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22/F/New Zealand   
Kitbag of Words
particle, speck, fragment, scrap, crumb, grain, morsel, shred, dash, drop, pinch, soupçon, jot, iota, whit, atom, smattering, scintilla, hint, suggestion, tinge, a modicum of good ...
Andy KittySmasher
Pittsburgh    Just waiting to call myself, my own
mrs kite
north america    why do I talk so loud when I wanna live so quietly?
Kitty Prr
Auckland, New Zealand.    I won't be coming on here anymore. I am going to become semi-reclusive. I will leave the account active with my existing posts.
Ankit J Chheda
28/M/Mumbai    Was studying Architecture. Now... Somewhere in time. Twitter me: @unkitjc Favourite lines: "But then, everything I call beautiful reminds me of you." "My favourite word ...
part-time psychopomp
24/F/Maine    From a chaotic mind aching for release / Is borne a poet's lark, longing for her peace
Ankita Gupta
28/F    You know you are lost when you try finding yourself in the words you write
kitty hart
17/F    my heart is worth more to anyone than they realize
Analytical skitzo
28/M/Sacramento    I don't have a drug problem, I have a life problem and my solution is drugs. Experienced much but have lost much more. Luckily possessions ...
Kit Scott
16/M/Edinburgh, Scotland    Half vent space, half desperate attempt to be taken seriously.
Washington, U.S.A    Just a Wandering Poet looking for a new hiding place... Some of my work is Fiction... Others not so much... Copyright©2015 All Rights Reserved
Non ya   
I'd ask for a pen, but I feel like a keyboard is more day-and-age relevant.
Delhi    Sedately Interested in the mildly interesting to make it extraordinary. All works put here are the sole copywrite of Kittu
Nikita Marley
Brooklyn, NYC    Life needs more. More than you, more than me. To show what it wants us to see.
Kits SM
Montreal, QC, Canada    LISxCommxHR + a little bit of writing here and there. Je parle français, s'il y a quelqu'un dans le néant qui voudrait venir me parler ...
Eddie Matikiti
Johannesburg    I am inspired by my observations...
20    Art is a way of survival! Someone that have a lot to say but in the most unusual rhymes and poems. ~May the words always ...
je suis qu'est-ce que je suis.
Nikita Tshawe

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