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Kaleidoscope Prhyme
M/Pretoria, South Africa    The Michelangelo of flow, I paint pictures with poems. IG: KaleidoscopePrhyme
"There is nothing to writing - all you do is sit down at a typewriter and bleed." ~Ernest Hemingway
Dosen't matter
Essen Dossev
Abdosh A
Earth    A Diverse Human-being carried by unseen clouds, an introvert and an optimistic realist. Traveller, learner, and a passionate gate keeper.
Portsmouth u.k    "Yes: I am a dreamer. For a dreamer is one who can only find his way by moonlight, and his punishment is that he sees …
I am the ghost of a teenage overdose
Alex Granados
California    A&G; Instagram: @pomegranatealex
Kaleidoscope Dreams
Los Angeles   
Annie Medosch
pennsylvania    grilled cheese
Kaleidoscope Heart
James Doster
I like sex and rabbits.
21/M/Unknown    A stranger, passerby, waiting and watching the flow of life
48/M/Mississippi    Published Writer, Paramedic, Jazz aficionado, living, writing , and learning to accept rejection one day at a time. ~AD~
Harsh Doshi
Kolkata    A Polymath of sorts; part-time photographer, part-time filmmaker; full-time film appreciator. I write too and love the art of editing. Also a tech geek and …
Olivia G Dos Santos Serra
20/F/Holland    Go Outside
--we create rainbows.
Tee Dossantos
sufiya firdose
Siddhali Doshi
Manali Doshi
Mumbai    On a trip to live :)
L A Baldos
23/Vacaville, California   

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