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Brianna Love -aka Stormy Angel
My Dear Wordvango: Yours is the light by which my spirit’s born: - you are my sun, my moon and all my stars ~ e.e. …
brian odongo
26/M/lives in Nairobi ,kenya.    Christian ,Poet ,Historian ,Medic.
32/F/Wonderland    I'm fucking gold- but you prefer silver, & that's alright.
Brian McDonagh
27/M/West Virginia    Poetry is the light of the soul; still discovering life.
Brian Payamps
New York    A city kid trying to find a way out.
Nevada    22 Years young. I enjoy the simple things: reading, poetry, art, photography, coffee, traveling, & the Ocean "Anything can be solved by sweat, tears, and …
Brian Hoffman
26/M/New York    Soccer player, Punk Rocker, Hippie, long boarding, the beach, Poet and Lyrics Instagram: bhoffman9
Wekiya Brian Cyrus
20/M/Uganda    Writing is my passion
brian mclaughlin
You can see all of my work at
Brianne Rose
28/F/New York, U.S.A    Bookworm, Poet ,Story Writer. Shy, but Friendly. ~ Rest In Peace Guinness, Our Family's Fluffiest Boy, Age: 12, 2/05/2023~ Rest In Peace: Sam, Bruiser, Lilly, …
Brianna Lee
31/F/North Dakota    Penchant for Dramatics
Charlton, MA   
briannah rae
17/F    you won't truly know me unless you read my poetry.
Brian O'blivion
NYC    i name these after the music that inspired them...unless i can think of something i like better. thank you for taking time out of your …
briana hailey ferenczy
Atlanta, Georgia    My story is that of everyone I've ever met.
Brian Oarr
Las Vegas    I am a twice retired computer professional now living in Las Vegas where I supplement my living by advantage play gambling. My favorite poets are …
Selena Brianna
Living a life of unexpected smiles and weird laughs. I don't know where life will take me, but I hope I don't fall off the …
19/F    If you like what you see here, you can check out more from me here:
Brian Gibson
Perth, Australia    "Creation is the air I need to breathe-- my escape, my way of feeling freed." Forever writing about love, and the motions and emotions in …
Brian Yule
On the road    Brian is a currently wandering writer, hailing from the county of Durham in the north east of England. A romantic, ironist, bruised idealist & definite …
Brian Carson
North Carolina    I can feel myself flushing itself again.
Brianna Ki
34/F/Wisconsin    My words come swiftly. Writing is a passion. A way of expression.
44/M/Nevada    Not on here often, but figured I’d post some poems here anyway. Hope you enjoy. I belong to another site and I just don’t have …

— The End —