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The Tinkerer
24/M/New Zealand    Indian I believe in the power of language and the influence of perspective. A Wanderer, A Ponderer. An Amateur Poet I say it as I ...


The Wordsmith  Aug 2015
The Wordsmith Aug 2015
He is a tinkerer.
Through his eyes he sees only cogs and turning gears,
His fingers, they feel only bolts and nuts and screws,
He's doesn't understand her, he doesn't get her tears,
To him her sentiments, they are nothing if not new,
So he tries to fix her. He pieces the broken shells of her heart together,
Together the shells weigh a pound, but individually they float like a feather,
He glues and welds her heart together with his mixtures of metals,
But he doesn't understand that these shells are like rose bud petals,
Delicately they flow, and the slightest touch makes them break,
But in time, they bloom prettier than a sunset on a shimmering lake,
No, he doesn't understand. So he welds and forges the pieces together,
He is a tinkerer.
Ryan Sims  Nov 2013
Ryan Sims Nov 2013
We both used to be broken.
But God was a tinkerer, and made us work together.
We both used to be happy.
But God was a tinkerer, and not an inventor.
And now we've broke apart, not built to last.
But God is a tinkerer, and starts new projects fast.
Poetic T Aug 2014
My heart was mechanical
Oiled always by love
Cogs moved independently
Springs always moving in rhythm
This was love in my heart
Intricate pieces moving as one
Was what fuelled this love
It beat strong
Never wearing down
Always would it beat strong
But then betrayal
Dirt had entered this heart
Oil contaminated
Springs oxidized
Cogs bent out of shape
Broken parts,
littered the floor of this heart
What once ran smooth,
Started to go cold
Was this damaged heart
Where once movement
Who could mend
This once loved heart,
Then the tinkerer entered her life
Full of friendship
It took Time, for her to let him in
But what once was reclusive
Blew the cobwebs away
Cut the vines away
Filled that empty space
Was the catalyst, that started
This clock work heart again,
Some piece, still lay
On the hearts floor,
For if a clock work heart is broken
It will never be as it was before,
The rust faded oiled once more
A clock work heart is a fragile Piece,
Only give it to those who will
Hold it gently in there grasp.