My desire is to be reflective
of the divine perspective
that highly exalts only Him,
throughout my being and my limbs.
A revelation of Christ’s Truth
is that He’s my fountain of youth.
I’m grafted into His true vine
that overflows with spiritual wine.
For more of Him and less of me
is the way that it needs to be;
O my Lord, please…
allow my faith to be fully employed,
whereby my ego is… d’stroy’d!
I’ve dropped Abraham’s knife
since I’ve got eternal life;
holy blood was previously shed
and I’m bound by His scarlet thread.
From this frail humanity of me
Let my life shine with victory,
for You Lord, keep me on course…
being my strength and true source.
For more of Him and less of me
is the way that it needs to be;
O my Lord, please…
allow my faith to be fully employed,
whereby my ego is… (completely) d’stroy’d!
Author Notes:
Loosely based on:
Acts 17:28
Learn more about me and my poetry at:
By Joseph J. Breunig 3rd, © 2013, All rights reserved.