an old man insists that you are his father. you cannot get rid of him. he is everywhere. always nagging "papa, pepep", but you don't respond
because you are most certainly not his father; that would be absurd. but he doesn't know that. he wants his pep pep.
you tell the police "get this old man away from me, keep him out" but they cannot find him. "elusive" they say. "cold case"
but you hear him always, whispering in your ear. "pep pep, make garlic bread." "pappy, cook toast, I'm hungry!"
no one can see him, no one can hear him nag. the old man drives you mad, he is your old man, and you are his pep pep
are you his pappy? are you? you are his pep pep, his pap. are you still his pappy? you are his pep, his pappy pep, his pep pep mcpaps