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Hopeless Outlet
34/M/NYC    Someone who needs an outlet.
hopeless romantic
24/Fayetteville, Arkansas    either in love, or heartbroken; there was never a grey area for me.
Hopeless Wonderland
Michigan    I miss you Alex 11/15/13. Rock in peace babes. What of me is enough for you?


Anya  Nov 2017
Lament of Fire
Anya Nov 2017
Pele, goddess of fire
The ocean has masked your flame
Your spirit drowned and chained
A name to which you do not recall
As though your glass
Is full of life's gall
I give you this name
Pele, of flame
That maybe your spirit be free
Escape this empty shallow sea
And use your feet to fly
Dance like the ever changing sky
Like mountain flames on distant isles
Like sparks that travel miles
Dance like the fires that burn the air
Make every step a scorching flare
That is the story I wish to tell
The story of hells angel
But here you lay on the oceans floor
You do not dance a dance no more
But once we escape this ocean of blue
I'll tell all that I meet
The story of you
goldenhair Jun 2013
o que saia brotando do peito
inundava, invadia os poros da pele
entrava pelos cantinhos entre os dedos
por baixo das unhas, nos fios de cabelo

era como soda cáustica sobre a pele
um grito no vácuo, uma luz distante
um caminho de carvão em brasa

pele morta, pele nova
era como (re)nascer
se livrar de um vício
assistir o alvorecer

contornar pro caminho de volta pra casa
com medo
era como (re)viver.
J Lohr  May 2013
A Hui Hou Kākou
J Lohr May 2013
-Until We Meet Again-

Pele has lost one of her lovers.
I miss the goddess in all her majesty; Her deep blue oceans, sweet sandy beaches, Her dark black hair billowing down like the lava from the peaks of Her highest volcanoes.
Her seven sacred pools, each one cascading gracefully into the next, all finally spilling into her magnificent sea.
Her gorgeous body will forever entice my mind, with hair dark and beautiful, inhaling the scent of fresh pineapple and coconut, a hibiscus flower pinning back strands of hair behind her ear.
Her eyes, they were just as deep and amazing as the sea, something with which they were so familiar.
With lips red and lined with Hawaiian love songs sung just for you, tasting as fresh and young as the ocean itself.
Her body was adorned with fresh tropical flower leis and Kukui beads falling gracefully over ancient Hawaiian dress; all made from the same grass and leaves coming from the islands many trees.
All encircling those perfect hips, born to Hula and sway to any island rhythm, be it the slow and steady rattle of the Uli Uli, or the fast and powerful beat of the Pahu drum.
Finally pushed over the edge by the sight of her long tan legs, not shy to the suns warmth and fiery grasp, ending in bare feet more familiar to the islands then we’ll ever be.
I miss her and all her islands.
Oh, how I miss the island paradise Hawaii.