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V  May 2017
A Cost.
V May 2017
My love,
I still remember how we first met.
How we shyly greet each other in the hallway,
And how you hold my hand for the first time.

My love,
I'm sorry for keeping you away for so long.
I never realized my true feelings until now.
But i think it doesn't matter now.
You finally found someonw who will love you.
Someone that will cherish you.

My love,
I can only keep this feelings all to myself.
Please know that I will always love and support you.
Even if meaning that I haveto let you go.
Zac Truskowski  May 2014
Zac Truskowski May 2014
I am weak but was never taught how to be strong, i feel like every thing i do, i do wrong. Standing up for myself is harder than ever, i wish it was as easy as lifting a feather. Being what you are is ok when you're alone in your car, but once you open the door you feel really far from yourself cause you cannot be you, it feels like walking on glass with out a shoe. Yet i know i'll have to teach myself, it won't be in a book i can take off the shelf. I know it is deep inside of me i can tell becuse it feels like it wants to be set free. However, with freedom comes a cost it eats away at some part of me, one i have lost. Being strong is hard exspecaliy when i haveto say no, it makes me feel like i am hated by all who are aflout. On a different note i am going to sink that boat cause there are possitives that yes i must gloat. People tell me i am stronger than i know, but this is one thing i do not like to show. Keeping my mouth shut, minding my own bussiness, and ignoring the past are some of the things i am good at. I love my family thats no lie, i love them like a big piece of home made pie, If you mess with my baby sister i'll turn into a different mister, my anger will come out, i will turn to a demon and you'll think "wow i hope i'm dreaming". After all is said and done i guess i am stronger than i thought i just needed some time to decover myself that's all, maybe i should stop worrying and stand tall.
Yume Blade Jun 2015
You wasn't there so you texted me like you holded me in your arms and whispered in my ear : I don't want you to leave me or sulk me because of all I did or do ...   I just show you my fear , fear you leave me , or you change your mind about me , about staying' with me , about lovin' me , about being with me forever like you said.
I'm scared about everything ... I'm scared that your dad didn't accept to leave you travel alone , or something make him changes his mind about this ... Like I told you before ... when I get too close to happiness something go wrong and it goes away ... because all of this , all you doing for me it's too beautiful and perfect to be truth.

Livin' with you ... hold you in my arms ... to spend the rest of my life with you ... have you for me in my bed all the night  ...  I wouldn't be alone anymore ~ We'll be together.

I want this future ! I want you in my future !
You are My future
i don't want something or someone break this , I promise you I will not break it  , I'm your , only yours ! I will not cheat on you  , you just haveto respect the 3 rules and everythings will be fine.
Never leave me ~
Be Wise ~
Obey Me ~

No matter what happens and what I do

i read your text a hundred time and i still read it.
To my love and my sunshine~Light