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Misadventures of Crow
40/Gresham    I am that I am not.


Ruthie  Oct 2014
Ruthie Oct 2014
It's been hard to stay in touch,
You're out chasing all your dreams.
And I'm sat here
Loving you.
Trying to make plans.
Trying to have adventures.
But not one person I try to have any sort of adventure with has been anything like you.
Not even close.
I doubt I'll ever find another..
Rachel C Apr 2016
I have done many exceptional things in my life.
I have traveled to far-away worlds with effervescent seas.
I have fought alongside rebels and mutineers: against oppressive dukes and deities.
I, so vividly, remember the times I danced on the tops of skyscrapers. Thereafter howling at the moon with my fellow gypsies. But more than that, I remember the gentle laughter of friends.
I remember the soft hands of those I love on mine, while the sunsetted on an entirely unforgettable day.
I find my grandest adventures after the sun has dipped down out of sight, and the moon has risen to illuminate my so out of focus world.
I find them as I’m hunched over in my bed.
I find them as my fingers are trembling over the keys of a laptop; the glow of the screen burning in my eyes.
As I rip post-it notes full of ideas off my walls and mesh them together, I become some sort of enchanter; thus beginning yet another journey.
Although I may have not truly gone on such adventures, the feeling would remain the same if I had. Because, as I’ve come to realize, the truest of grand adventures starts with simply a single blank page and the desire to tell an earth-shattering story.
db cooper Feb 2015
Let's set out together
Explore the breeze
We'll walk hand in hand
Beneath the trees
In no particular direction
No direction we need
These adventures of the unknown
Leave us freed