I wronged you,
I knew I did,
I ignored you,
I broke our creed,
I grew weak,
And took a break,
I sought peak,
And troubled the lake,
You reached out,
But I ignored,
You did shout,
While yet I snored,
You did pray,
While I was drunk,
I was prey,
Unto books and funks,
You did stay,
For so very long,
I can't allay,
This burden of wrong,
Now I see,
That which you saw,
I was he,
So blind to his flaw,
I so hope,
That it's not too late,
How do I cope,
If this is fate,
I have learnt,
A very big lesson,
I'm like a cent,
Totally gone missing,
Do forgive me,
And have me back,
Do relieve me,
From this haunty dark,
I wronged you,
I knew I did,
I ignored you,
I broke our creed.