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sassenach Jun 2018
Love is  a treasure that is ought to be shared
wonderfully made, and powerful.

The moment you open your heart
you are taking a risk you never imagined.

A battle of emotions, trust, loyalty and faith
leave your fears, stand and fight.

Giving your heart is another story
be careful, be wise, be brave.
sassenach May 2018
How ironic.

Make you feel loved, but unwanted
Open your eyes, but makes you blind
makes you feel whole, but breaks you at the same time
gives you contentment, but wanting for more

fill-up your heart, and tear it apart.
sassenach May 2018
I lived a petrified life
frightened, and terrified
afraid to love
and not to be loved

I shut everything down
kept the door closed
my feelings hidden
and my thoughts locked-up

It was all pain
full of despair
covered with so much darkness
and a total block-out

The grief of letting go
I am losing myself
when you found yours
in another's arms.
sassenach Apr 2018
shattered dreams
and infringed vows
left alone
with a broken heart

swollen eyes
and tongue tied
all the tears I’ve cried
my tormented agony

Days are filled
with sorrow and pain
sleepless nights
and a distressed mind

will this be the end?
of a fragment herald
and if you are to love,
love me with a broken heart.
sassenach Apr 2018
Thy eyes and smile which I beguile
Showed me how it's petals open wide

Stunned by thy adage of life
Coz' thee always look at its bright side

"love-stricken" is how I describe it.

— The End —