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  Jun 2024 Sarita Aditya Verma
Their eyes
Will always
Look down
On you
Their hearts
Will never

So warm
Your heart
In solitude
A hearth
Of poetic  
Traveler Tim
30 Syllables

Hang in there!
Flaunt your joy
Dig your sorrow
You have only today
Who knows 'bout morrow!
How good is the thought
If it doesn’t set you free
The freedom you seek within

How blind can you be
When you already can see
The true side of it

How good is the thought
If it doesn’t set you free
From miseries

When you don’t trust
Your own heart
How will you believe
That you can

There is freedom
In believing yourself
There is freedom
In believing, that thought
That you can believe
In yourself
That inner strength
And that freedom sought
Is freedom received
Two birds on the line
Fight for a fruit, the cat waits
Two friends realise
The places I’ve visited and then left
Only to revisit to know more
The experience of the untouched untapped resource

For some it comes easy
Some struggle the ****
Pushing and pulling, the invisible doors

Then on a rainy day
Wait for the clouds while they pour
Filled with dreams of paddy fields
An experience of abundance
And some more
Fisherman’s net spread
No shoals
Transparent its soul, shiny sheen
The ocean dances to a rhythm known
Its own
Eclectic muse
Moves like a danseuse
Like the flowers in spring
Under the morning sun
The ocean swells
Scattering gems
Sparkling diamonds
Embers of sapphire
Slivers of gold
Secrets of the ocean
Never held
Sunrise to sunset
Serendipitous moments
Gently unfold
Was inspired by the music and the sea

gardens adorned
in resplendent floral blooms
lovely of display  


sunbathers shall lie
on golden beaches of sand
lulled by the sea


plain's grasses turn beige
as fall's air bleaches each blade
of its verdant tone


snow clad pinnacles
make for an impressive sight
upon the skyscape
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