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1.4k · Jan 2015
Saraistone Jan 2015
found a new latitude
words drip off the tip
of my once tied tongue
and it was sung
out loud
don't forget to breathe
1.0k · Jan 2015
Saraistone Jan 2015
As the tide washes away
The things we do or say
Or that which we want to fade away
Remain not forgotten
But become fractionally dormant
Inside the labyrinth of the mind
New truths are revealed with low tides
Salmon victoriously swim upstream
Until their end becomes seen
I am dusting off my dreams
594 · Jan 2015
Saraistone Jan 2015
Managers are approachable
So are tigers
Authentic smiles involve the eyes
Smize baby smize
585 · Aug 2015
bottom of a bottle
Saraistone Aug 2015
You drown your own bravery
Before it has a chance to rise
You lie sad and restless
Unable to close your eyes
Your voice waivers, trying to trick me
You lie in slurs, unable to disguise
You are a fiction of my hopeful imagination
And were never really there at all
Now you find yourself as you have before
Standing in fizzy solitude
Dreams of better days lie crumpled on the floor
You are an amber shadow
I don't love you anymore
547 · Feb 2015
Saraistone Feb 2015
It's on loop
That fresh new feeling
Reinvent ourselves over and over
We stare into each other at last
Diffusing the intensity of the electric icebergs in your eyes
I slyly gaze towards my shoes
My face is conquered by a widespread grin
Bluffing act defeated
Reunited over this golden cider
If the bottom of this glass can give me courage to speak,
I won't be your part one or two
Make me your entire act
I won't be your plan B
Make me your alphabet
It feels pretty right, as you say, into my ear
And it will loop
The initial kiss, the taste of your lips
Sprinkled with cigarettes and loneliness
The deep trembling in my hands
as they trace the sharp line of your jaw
The awakening within my quickened heart
Common sense surrendered in a last minute defeat
And it will loop
The deep pleasure, then the shallow breaths
Feigned words and obligatory conversation
Let's not admit the truth now
Gravitas does not belong amongst these pillows
546 · Aug 2015
Saraistone Aug 2015
In clean cut lines
Organized chaos
I am not ahead or behind
I walk aside you
Melt alongside you
As your love penetrates
My carefully guarded fortress
Embracing me you disengage
My escape plans
I am learning
To accept all the exceptions
Not get lost in the misdirection
Loving all of me, you smile
I am home now
In this sweet embrace
530 · Feb 2015
Saraistone Feb 2015
Dream sequence engaged
And this is how it goes
Accepting all of me in your arms
Lengthy yet comforting like your gaze
I have been only
I have been lonely
And I enounter the turmoil in your mere presence
Arguing inwardly, reasons running out
Of why not and what not
Defying the definitions and avoiding titular restrictions, I only love
Love you from this perch
Where I will continue to watch you smile
And study the crinkles in your eyes
Counting my heartbeats increase
The unrequited rejection has rejected me enough
I only dream of astounding bravery
And waking next to you
I only wish with eyes closed
Moving on and moving forward
Taking a deep breath I say it out loud
In a practice round
Only a sad little secret
Only a glimmer of hope
Only me
Only you.
494 · Aug 2015
Waves, goodbye
Saraistone Aug 2015
fading, slipping away
missing, craving still only you
smiling secretly to myself,
with the one you love
the memories
still sweet like ice cream
the amber glow on the ceiling
still fresh in my mind
your lips damp like the air that day
still tickle down my spine
rushing my exisitence,
and in the depths of my soul
days now go by
Head still above water
I sit here and wonder why i am
stuck hopelessly in this wave
i am entwined
the way your limbs wrapped around mine
empty bags, once packed stare me down
the smell of the sea fades away with time
take away this melancholy,
Make it easy to breathe
holding on and letting go simulataneously
Hoping to land on soft ground
carving new paths
Your presence still with me
In glimpses of deja vus
THis city so full of people
But remains empty of you
449 · Feb 2015
Saraistone Feb 2015
Appearances deceive
She starts to believe
She is as hollow as the glass is empty
                                                           ­         so parched she becomes
Quenching her thirst in unpromising promises
We accept the love we think we deserve
Or sometimes the love that presents itself at 2 am
The kind that warms the vacant spots
Until there are no more vacancies in her ravaged heart
Fools and lovers are all the same
447 · Oct 2015
Atmospheric reality
Saraistone Oct 2015
A dreamer I perch in the clouds
Brought back to earth with
That one song that hits home
And my throat is getting sore
From swallowing the loss
Of everyday without you
My head is becoming tired
Of its different gravities
Heavy and light
My hands are becoming stiff
Grasping on to the memories
Holding onto the hope
The nostalgia is too much
More bitter than sweet
This goodbye is everlasting
445 · Jan 2015
Saraistone Jan 2015
Unsuspectedly it creeps
Into my brightest days
Absorbing my joys
Turning highs into lows
Silver linings morph
Into storm systems
It swallows me whole and
Regurgitates out a weak shadow
Until I become a shell
Each tear representing another lost hope
I won't answer your inquiries
Reasons why get lost in the storm
My laughter is feigned
My energy is drained
My status converts from warrior to fraud
Noir is black, and so am I
438 · Mar 2015
Saraistone Mar 2015
Just like that, stolen from me
Time, the elusive criminal
The glimmer in your emerald eyes
Stood still that day
Once brimming with tear filled pride
My heart is now ripped into 2 pieces
Yet cushioned by the memories
Of the way you loved me
And it swells with the way
That I still love you
Our Sunday songs crash into me
Fill my yearning soul
And oh we would dance
My feet upon yours
Your stories of the big beautiful world
It was hard to believe there was anything more beautiful than the world you built for me
With your weathered, strong hands
Hardened by ambition
But not soft like your heart
The missing is deep now.
Material reminders may be out of sight
But you my sweet father, will never be out of mind
Dedicated to my late father Harris 1959-2015
413 · Jan 2015
Saraistone Jan 2015
Her soul flows into mine like water
398 · Oct 2015
Await, a wait
Saraistone Oct 2015
Inching closer
An explosion of beauty
She waits
She writes
For him
A man without a face
Who will one day see her grace
Beyond the broken pieces

And love her

He is not the glue
He is the glaze

A watched kettle never boils
Dream on dream lover
397 · Sep 2017
Saraistone Sep 2017
I am a master of goodbyes
Black and whites
Nobody is at fault
I draw my lines
Define my boundaries
Is this better?
I can feel it all now
It hurts and crashes into my soul
I am hollow
The past echoes inside me
A walking heartbreak
381 · Dec 2015
Returning around
Saraistone Dec 2015
Hello old soul
The golden light hurts your weary eyes
Familiar but longtime unseen
Leaving that cave of sadness
You recite your fables and
Storybooks of broken hearts
Formulaic and adorned with tattered pages
And nobody wants to hear them anymore
Go on brave wonder
Rewrite your story
Create new glory
Are you dizzy yet?
Circling back around to the start
Press play instead of restart
Use the extra life that you have
381 · Jan 2015
A frozen winter scene
Saraistone Jan 2015
I stood at the edge
Standing upon a ledge
Of a twilit city
Silence broken by the hoot of an owl
And the laughter of pure joy
379 · Jun 2017
Falsehoods and fossils
Saraistone Jun 2017
Digging deep
Pulling me out of myself
Chipping away the layers
I've been lost and found
Round and round I went
Until in the light of the sinking sun
I saw you glow and felt alive
I'm awake now
I've missed you all along
You are the answer to many wishes upon candles and stars
Patiently I've mastered the fear of saying yes
After wandering and wasting in this world solo
There I suddenly was
At home in your gaze
The victory dance kind of kiss
Swimmingly I floated in the door
Slept soundly with thoughts of you
Lips vibrating
Soul joyous
236 · Jul 2016
Saraistone Jul 2016
Flowing in my veins
Your electric smile
Awakens my soul

— The End —