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 Apr 2015 Sarah Bouse
There is something beautiful about two sad people who agree to hurt each other.
Something comforting.
It is a comfort only very damaged people understand- the tacit agreement to cause pain, and to receive it.
Pleasure is for people who have what they want.
But for those of us who are starving, ours is best peppered with suffering.
Being with someone who understands that carries its own worth-
I don't want you to make me feel good.
I couldn't stand it if you did.
I don't want you to touch me gently, or ask if I'm alright, or stop to look into my eyes.
I am starving, and so are you: I want your teeth.
I want you to make me hurt. And I want to hurt you.
I want you to hurt me because I'm not him, and I want to hurt you because you're not her.
We want to see each other suffer because we are starving and we need to feel that someone else is.
Don't hold back. I want you to lower me because I'm too good for her.
Don't love me, don't caress me. Dig your nails in. Drip candlewax on my stomach.
One step down from torture is all I can stand in the way of human connection, when it isn't her.
Punish me for looking at her like a baleful puppy tonight, even as you waited in my room with your soft skin and your sharp teeth.
There is nothing you can do that will be too violent, too brutal, too sadistic.
I don't want to be loved right now.
I am too raw.
I want to be touched. I want to be ruined. Leave marks. Smear lipstick.
Lower me because I am
Good for her.
Let this heart know on no uncertain terms that its needs don't matter.
Help me **** it. Help me pin my demons to the bed and make them writhe, and I will do the same for you.
Let's exorcise our loves tonight and banish them to hell.
Let's tell our skin that it is irrelevant.
Let's say "*******" to the things that bind us. I will cut your heart out for him.
I will kiss your scars, not to heal them but to remind you that when you put them there you fought for something, something we both fight for now.
Hurt me. Fight her. Do it for her.
Do it for her because I'm not good enough to hurt.
Do it for her because I'm TOO good to hurt.
Crush me.
You could boil me alive and it wouldn't make up for her, so at least leave me bruised.  
I will give you what you need, and you will give me what I need: not love, but contact.
Let my heart know on no uncertain terms that its needs

There is something beautiful about two sad people who agree to hurt each other.
Baby I don't know why I told you I was done
Why I said I didn't want to speak again
The truth is, I want you with me always
Because I trusted you enough to let you in
I let you in who I was and who I wished to be
I let you in my heart, in my head, in my pants
I thought the more I let you in there'd be hope
That maybe you'd finally give "us" a chance
You used to hold me so carefully like I'd break
Which made me certain I could never be strong
So I clung to you like I hoped you cling to me
But I never knew that I could be so wrong
My heart is literally aching, and throbbing
My mind is trying to erase you from me
Your hands, your lips, that smile, those eyes
It's soon to be gone, maybe then I'll be free
But I know freedom cannot be reached
Because still these chains hold me back
I'm bound to you because I loved you
This bond will make my heart crack.

For so long I had no words to write
And it made me mad, down to my core
I never thought I'd write of you and me
And practically admit to being a *****
But here I am always writing it out
And somewhere maybe you'll read this and cry
Because you'll know you've ruined me
With every promise, every kiss, every lie
I made you promises and I kept them all
And I would willingly run back into your arms
I'd hold you tight and cry all night
If you promised to sheild me from all harm
I know this poem is too ******* long
It's hurting me to write it all out honestly
I want him to see this though and feel bad
I want him to finally cry over how he hurt me.

— The End —