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Jun 2016 · 801
The Two Options
sara anna Jun 2016
I am utterly confused
I dont know what to do
its all feel empty
alot of spaces to be filled
but nothing to fill in
to those times I feel most desperate
for a solution

I am feeble
I cant think properly
my mind is full of unsaid things
they give me two options
i feel vulnerable
puzzled by tons of decisions
to some times I feel hopeless
for an answer

I am heartless
everything went fine physically
despite what I truly feel
inside of this paralyzed smile
all the pain was hidden
but still
no resolutions
May 2016 · 349
A heart to take care of
sara anna May 2016
she has a fragile heart which can easily break
with words or actions she might get upset
for every action he'd take cautiously
to take care of her feelings
to look after her heart
to never make her disappointed
simply because he don't want to lose her
May 2016 · 536
That Someone
sara anna May 2016
I've found someone who's trying to love me
loves me as if there were no tomorrow
loves me as if he'd lose me
loves me with all his heart
who loves me for who I am

I've found someone who's patient with me
patiently cope with my ****** up attitude
patiently put up with the terrible me
while I might have shown my flaws
he'd still waiting for me patiently

I've found that someone
someone who owns a big heart
something that is hard to find
but definitely something I should never let go of
Apr 2015 · 4.8k
sara anna Apr 2015
Tell me to stay
I'd like to stay
till my last breathe
with no regrets

— The End —