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 Dec 2018 Brenna
 Dec 2018 Brenna
I yearn for her even more. She's the one that I adore. For her love I implore. My heart can't take anymore. What's  to be done? I can't be sure, to mend the wounds cold and sore. I should have never walked out the door. Somber feelings I can't ignore.
 Dec 2018 Brenna
winter wind
 Dec 2018 Brenna
I'm rotting inside
I'll pretend, I'll be perfect
keep the illusion
 Dec 2018 Brenna
a letter
 Dec 2018 Brenna
dear you,

i’m in love.
yes. you were
waiting, i
bet, for this.
this time, though,
it is not
what you would
think. it’s me
this time, not
you, although
it’s still you,
but not in
the way it
used to be
you. it’s my
fault this time,
my doing,
my painful,
it’s you in
the sense that
i cannot
control you.

this time,

it’s your mind and your thoughts
the things that slip off of your tongue
the words you put, pencil to paper
the ideas that come out in your songs

it’s your eyes and your sight
the careful observation of beauty
the need to bask in warm, pure light
the stare you give me, rarely now

it’s your movements and your touch
the hugs where you grip my shoulders
the times where i’m drunk and playing with your fingers
the warmth you give off and your gorgeous smile

none of them
are mine to
have, to take
to keep, to
love, to break

i miss you
and to go
and detach
to break what
we have, that’s
the hard way
out. but i
am trying
to help me.

i feel the
same way i
did when you
said i was
wrong about
this. about
how i feel.

i’m hoping
myself of
you, means that
the dreams will
go away
too. but if
they stay,
i’ll give you
a quick call.
a text, to
be honest.

i love you,
with every
part of me.

keep in touch,


it is better to regret doing something instead of not doing it at all.
 Dec 2018 Brenna
Everyday life is a struggle
Sometimes it may get a little a hard to juggle

But I just have to reminisce my anfractuous dreams
Dreams of love, sleeping side by side, with our fingers intertwined

You give me peace of mind, but these feelings are still in decline
Call you my R.E.M relationship, my slumber sweetheart
Because you’re always a dream away

This is just a short poem about a relationship that exists in the narrator's dreams even if it feels real.
 Dec 2018 Brenna
I remember the evening
that we sat clinging
to paper cups
of coffee gone cold

over secrets spilled and memories told
two bodies cursed
with hearts grown old

behind your eyes
I found new worlds
A winding road stretched out for miles
to a small cafe at the end of the isle

Sweet pastries filled the mouths
of those who sat beside us
and stayed for a while.

How the hours went by,
people just passing through
The descending sun ending
a forever with you.
 Dec 2018 Brenna
 Dec 2018 Brenna
we cut the trees
and bleed the leaves,

and drink the wine
from Mother’s spine—

her fetal songs,
so lachrymose—

no ****** birth
could save this earth.
 Dec 2018 Brenna
 Dec 2018 Brenna
I’m addicted to the feel of cold metal sliding across bare flesh
Addicted to the instant
when nothing marks smooth skin
immediately before
red rivers rapidly rise
painting a once white canvas
with a flood of emotion,
tears on my cheeks,
sobs caught in my throat,
numbness replaced by pain & sadness.
Addicted to the imperfection
of red welts and dotted scabs that follow,
fingers drawn like magnets
to the texture of healing skin,
tracing over and over and over now fading ridges
Amazed that I am strong enough
to heal myself over and over and over.
Convincing myself that I am strong enough.
I find strength in my weakness.
6 months self harm free! Writing about it helps fight the urge

— The End —