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345 · May 2018
Sana Qaiser May 2018
Don’t believe them when they say they will always be there for you
Don’t believe them when they say nothing will come between you two
Don’t believe them when they cry for you
And don’t believe them when they say they would die for you

Don’t believe their lies
The crocodile tears they drop from their eyes
The snakes they carry in sacks
The daggers hidden behind their backs

They will stab you not in your back
For that is a place for your enemies to attack

Your friends will stab you in your front
Because that’s what makes them real *****
328 · May 2018
The boy
Sana Qaiser May 2018
When I think of you,
my day grows brighter.
The memory of your touch,
induces joy in my heart.
What a shame it is to not be able to find that joy again
As I live each day just wishing to die so that I can see your face again
Not the man you have become but the boy you used to be.
So for that I'm ready for whatever this life throws at me.
This was written by me a few years ago . I’m very happy with the man I found after letting go of this boy
298 · May 2018
Sana Qaiser May 2018
Here I sit
Longing to stay a little while longer
Because who knows what will happen in the future
Whether I’ll be here tomorrow

Sorrow grips my heart
Tears cloud my eyes
Oh how I will miss home
With every breath I take tonight
Sana Qaiser May 2018
I think of the time
When my world was at peace
The unconditional love from others
The unwavering support pushing me
But like a drop of water
That makes its way from a cloud and onto a leaf
Life shows us that not everything in life can be so easy
210 · Jun 2018
Sana Qaiser Jun 2018
What is love?
Love is me, Love is you
Love is all of us
From the moment I laid eyes on him
Till the moment I broke my own heart for the hundredth time

And here I was thinking I had learnt my lessons
Yet it is love that keeps pulling me back
Makes my world go round
Makes everything seem sound

Until it is no more

— The End —