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 Oct 2018 Sage D
Ariana Bagley
I love him
I tell myself
I know that
We will be together forever
I don’t believe that
We could be separated
My thoughts tell me that
He’s the love of my life
Sometimes my heart lies and says
I could live an eternity
Without him
Like my friends say
“We’re perfect for each other”
And you can’t tell me
He’s not the one.

Now read from bottom to top.
 Oct 2018 Sage D
I fell in love
And caught myself
When you didn't
Just stood right back up
And brushed it off
Like a trip
A slip of the foot
I walk now
With a limp
But at least I didn't become a *******
 Oct 2018 Sage D
Sarah Taylor
It's cold in my room
I wish you were here with me
To help warm me up.

It's lonely at school
I wish you were here with me
To lift my spirits.

It's dark in my mind
I wish you were here with me
To brighten my day.
Haikus are fun.
 Oct 2018 Sage D
Sarah Taylor
You turn around, and your gaze meets mine
Time seems to be frozen.
I have wondered, since we've first met
Why I was the one you'd chosen.
Your sweetness, kindness, and sense of humor
Were too perfect for someone like me.
And yet, you were the violin, and I the piano
In our two-heart symphony.
Secretly, I do still dream
Of remaining more than friends.
After all, who ever said all good things
Must come to an end?
More true love poems.
 Oct 2018 Sage D
Sarah Taylor
What is life?
How would most people define it? The pursuit of happiness? Motion? Surviving above all else?
That certainly is not how I perceive life.
Life is like a waiting room.
Filled with magazines, posters, and little toys for the children to play with.
Distractions, created to occupy our time and ensure we remain entertained.
Until the Reaper arrives to sweep our souls off to oblivion.
Until the sweet, sweet release of death frees us from the confines of life.
From that sickening waiting room.
 Oct 2018 Sage D
Sarah Taylor
I bathe in the warmth of the sun's gentle rays
Waves of radiation traveling millions of miles to heat the Earth
I close my eyes, savoring the temperate spring afternoon.
The smell of beef patties cooking upon a grill
The sound of birds chirping delightedly
A rush of emotion threatens to overwhelm me
Like a tidal wave capsizing a ship
Like a dam cracking under the strain of thousands of gallons of water.
I slowly open my eyes, which are brimming with joyous tears.
And your face fills my vision.
The ship topples, the dam shatters
My emotions burst forth in a torrent of tears and happiness
For I have just realized...

You are my spring.
A poem of true love.
 Oct 2018 Sage D
This is for you:

-the girl who is so ashamed because of her acne,
-the girl who cries in front of her mirror because she doesn’t
look like Picasso’s muse,
-the girl who forgot how to smile because of her problems,
-the girl who cries her eyes out every night because of him,
-the girl who is so terrified to attach because of her past relationship,
-the girl who is different from the others,
-the girl who wants to save every soul she meets, except hers,
-the girl whose heart, blood and soul runs wild,

-you are so much more than the sprinkles from your skin.
-you're not Picasso’s muse, but you definitely are God’s muse.
-don’t waste your life being so stressed, just enjoy the journey.
-you need to be strong.Cry your heart out, but stop,your tears are too worthy , make them rare, for the real ones.
-try to love yourself first, then someone else.
-your future is not defined by your past.
-you need to save yourself first.
-run with them, darling, and never look back.

This is for you, girls.
You, no matter what, are good enough.
You are lovable.
You are strong.
You are independent.
You are different.
You are rare.
You are you, and that is your power, learn how to use it.
love yourself, girl
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