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 Jun 2016 m i a
 Jun 2016 m i a
She said
she wanted to be a work of art,
so she painted on her skin with a blade.
Red was always her favorite color.
She's dead, only alive in my head.
And she only visits me in my sleep,
as the most beautiful work of art.
 Jun 2016 m i a
After so many times of falling,
of getting back up and trying,
I fell down again today
and couldn't help but crying.
My face was pushed into the carpet,
I held back a stream of tears but
I couldn't stop it.
My arms were so sore,
and I cried tears of anger,
for looking in the mirror in horror,
and trying hard to stay clear.
Then I got so mad,
at my body and my past,
that I pressed back up, tears and all,
and did two more---fast.
I sat on my knees when I was finished,
I finally cried but I finally did it.
I will not be unhealthy. I will do this the healthy way forever.
 Jun 2016 m i a
Chloe Zafonte
People are ****** to death by being gay or transgender or for marrying someone who their  parents did not arrange for them to marry. Girls are sold into *** slavery or worse forced to be submissive to their ****** or to be married to them.  Men, women  are killed for being Christians or are in hiding from their prosecutors. Children live on the streets eating garbage trying to provide for their youngest sibling because their parents had died. people  die every day by speaking out against something they believe in, you have the opportunity for free speech. Tell me how the government doesn't provide enough for you, how mistreated you are by men. You think you're so "oppressed" look at the world around you.
 Jun 2016 m i a
I have to leave now
Jesus, let me *out
 Jun 2016 m i a
Poet Chicks
 Jun 2016 m i a
Poet chicks
Odd, indeed
Every race, every colour
Every creed
Some of us daughters
Some mothers
Emotions intense
Especially when we're lovers
It takes great courage you know
To do what poet chicks do
Serving our feelings up
On this screen for You
Heroines of words
World's in which we live
Poet chicks are rarely greedy
With all the emotions we give
I raise my glass to you
Poet chicks around the world
Never drop your pens
Or forget, that you ROCK girls
For all the poetesses here at hp who've been so kind to me and taken me on the most beautiful, sad, dark, happy, lustful, romantic journeys. Thank you for letting me wander through your dreams;)
 Jun 2016 m i a
jeffrey conyers
Words, spread.
Many heard.
He stood out to many.

He healed
He attracted many to him.
Yes, Jesus stand out.

Women came to him with faith.
Nothing stopped many from getting his attention.
Through crowds one braved on to touch only the hem of him.

Others, our oil upon him.
And washed his feet with her hair,
The Lord Jesus taught his disciples constantly with parables.

Yes, constantly Jesus stands out.
While others debate him as a prophet or something higher.
All that matter in truth is that he stand out to masses that believes.
 Jun 2016 m i a
jeffrey conyers
It takes confidence to proclaim with boldness that you are anything.
It takes strength to defeat various things to come your way.
And the greatest of great boxers faced events that's relevant today.

He stood out.
Even through his shouts.
He stood out.

He stood out.
Even through his prediction.
Yes, Muhammad Ali demanded attention.

A southern born son.
Who rose to be the face of the heavy weight division?
Who faced conflicts from members of the press?

Mainly cause he stood out.
When changes comes to anything conservative.
You stand out.
And without a doubt.
Muhammad Ali, the greatest always stood out.

When he refused to go to war.
Where he would have never saw the battle field.
More likely a driver from the generals.
Oh, he made a few upset.
Then more likely many of them create friction for attention.
He aligned himself  with a group of different religious means.

To some of the far extreme.
But they rule with fear to make many stand still.
And next to Elijah, Malcolm he was the face too!

Although years later, he would have a different view.

He knew he was brilliant.
He knew he was cute.
Ask yourself?
How many boxers or men states they have no bruises upon their faces.

Classius Clay, as he proclaim a slave name.
When in truth another did posses it.
But so did another leader of the Indian faith.

Who was known as Mohammad Ali?
So they changed a letter or two.
But in all reflection of the man called the greatest.
He stood out.
Worship, cherished and adored.

I can honestly admit, we will not see another like him anymore.
 Jun 2016 m i a
my heart's compass
Points to your heart
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