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 May 2017 Sean Hopps
Sleep eludes this stricken soul
as prettily wrapped death,
escapes the weary

Nay, for lying so still as one lacking breath,
searching for darkened hearts to fill the depths,

Void, as the empty ticking of stopped clocks,
hour glasses with nary a care for counting,
having traded sand for eternity

The search of the weary for unattainable rest and reassurance of eternity's kiss,
waits with slit smiles for the restless ******.
To catch your breath
Sheath it on my back
Take you to a ****** journey
Fill your lungs with the pigment of our enemies
When you whisper in the breeze
Muffled sounds of their crying bodies
Falling one by one
Only distant memories

Operational exhaustion
Inability to reason
Their faces along with the families
Visiting my dreams whenever i sleep
Thousand-yard stare
Victim of the infinite warfare
Unrecognizable to the close ones.

Tragedies from the past
Never meant to last
Injuries remained on the outside
Inside full of holes
Gravely wounded, subject to death
Living by a miracle
An unwanted life
Burdened with the weight of uncountable feelings
That didn't find their peace
Endlessly wandering through the soul stream.
 May 2017 Sean Hopps
I admit i'm insanely inlove
I invest so much effort
Just to be with you
But your love so dimmed
Like a busted bulb

I exaggerate things i've never been done
And i'm end up hallucinating
I becoming hysterical
For falling deeply inlove

Sometimes i've lost my senses
I forgot to love my self
More than i love you
This love brought me to agony
And i'm starting digging my grave
 May 2017 Sean Hopps
Just like your handwriting
You’re a mess
You hide yourself
By cunning words
Trying to disguise how you really feel
But that’s okay
I see right through the facade
You are the type of guy
Who sometimes cries alone
In his room
The type of guy
Who teases and messes with girls
Making them feel awful
Because it’s hard to express how you really feel
You are the type of guy
Who never shows his inner thoughts
You don’t believe anyone will understand
The chaos in your mind
But that’s okay
I see right through it
I am the type of girl
Who’s willing to put
My heart out there
You are the type of guy
Who never sees
A girl like me.
Sorry my beauty
Your lying eyes
just told the truth
 May 2017 Sean Hopps
Akira Chinen
We are but specs of dust on the dying breath of giants walking through the clouds of the illusion of time and the space of dreams
And what are we but insignificant to the great vast empty wind blowing through the cosmos
Except when we dare to wonder and question and perceive our life as more than meaningless
And no matter the size of our feet or the matter within the marrow of our bones
Is it not within the divinity of our blood and the madness of our souls that we have found the profound bewildering act, existence, ability, and song of love
A song in which we feel more than we can hear
an ability to live outside of death and exist outside of time
and act like fools while uncovering the ancient threads of wisdom that reverbrates from star to endless star
And if I am not reminded of beauty every time I see eternity swirling in the magic and cinnamon of your eyes
If I am not swept through both the promise of heaven and the sins of hell when tracing the curves of the mischief of your smile
If I do not become helpless to do anything but coo as a baby would under the radiance of your heart
Then I would be disconnected from all that is
and all that ever was
or will ever be
For in all that you are
All that you ever were
And all that you will ever be
You will always be love
First, last, and always
 May 2017 Sean Hopps
SG Holter
She cries with the force of the stampede
That killed Mufasa, and I forget the
Viking blood that runs through us.

Weakness on display is a sign of strength.
She is the strongest person I know;  
Does almost everything without

Me. Barely cries about it afterwards,
When hindsight lets her see what she's
Been through.

Wake up, little heart; your nightmare is
Over. Fall back asleep in arms that

Listen: It's not raining anymore.
She calls out to me like air raid sirens
Over a city dark with enemy aircraft

But all is quiet now.
Nothing harder than drops of

Water ever fell.
Sleep. Sun upon cloudless skies will
See you smile, drowzy; unalone.
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