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 Feb 23 ryn
Pagan Paul
The speed of light matters little,
even from its initial burst.
It changes not the basic fact
that the darkness got there first.
A little philosophical thinking!
 Feb 23 ryn
 Feb 23 ryn
in the space between
our sound and silence,
there exist two of me
and one of them
is kissing you.
je voulez-vous ici en ce moment
 Feb 23 ryn
 Feb 23 ryn
Night comes for us all.
We watch as color and saturation leak from the world
until just a half sphere peaks in the horizon.
When the sky touches down and up rises the moon,
it is only its reflective glow that we have to light our walks.

Night comes for us all.
Whereas stimuli and light override my senses,
the coolness and silence of night dampens them,
and with it, my thoughts race.
As my body relaxes against cool sheets,
my mind is buzzing,
and my heart tiptoes from one place to another.

Night comes for us all.
United but separate, our experiences are the same.
We look at the same moon and spy the same stars.
We linger on the same wishes,
and in the anonymity that darkness grants,
we dream and ponder and hope
that something hears us, sees us.
And in that dark anonymity of night,
that subtle weight we constantly carry grows,
and we are anchored to the Earth’s core.

Night comes for us all.
We wait for it to pass,
yet every day, we welcome it gladly
for rest or fresh eyes.
It is a gift and a gurney,
a calm and a casket.
Night is what we make it,
and night is what we need it to be.
 Feb 23 ryn
 Feb 23 ryn
vanities of life
in the hands of those living
Skulls and roses
time and dice
wilted flowers
all wry and dry
 Feb 23 ryn
The ground beneath her

feet has taken her, the earth --

whose praises I sang.
Novel "The Ground Beneath Her Feet" (1999, Salman Rushdie) - Orpheus

Song "The Ground Beneath Her Feet" (2000, lyrics Salman Rushdie, music U2, album "All That You Can't Leave Behind")

Collection "Low gear [2]"
 Feb 23 ryn
To reconcile us

I sing appropriate words --

the old well-known song.
Novel "The Golden House" (2017, Salman Rushdie), chapter (3-) 34

Song "Bird on the Wire" (1968, Leonard Cohen, about Marianne Jensen, 1969 album "Songs from a Room", 1968 release by Judy Collins)

Collection "Low gear [2]"
 Feb 23 ryn
James Daniel
These days are numbered
If I could just stop them
For a day, two or three

I need to forget the things
I can't change
Remember that I'm here today

I'll sing a song
A song for today

I want to sing for people
For my kids when they're young
For the world's troubled soul
But those things take time

Thankyou for my life
For all the things in it

I'll sing a song
A song for today
 Feb 23 ryn
the gambolling young
in green fields of fun
the vigour of Spring
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