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jovix Jun 2015
she craves to
           be noticed
i crave for her
                                   the purest
                                  of words
At                             hallow out
   a glance                       the tainted
  she can                        practicality

               as a soft passage
                 brushes against
                     my sighs
                    i am left

       enamored by
     sincerest of me
jovix Jun 2015
so many feel
not enough sleep
picking up the puzzle pieces
    and quickly throwing them
back down             farther away
    where i become oblivious
        to what had happened
              the night before..
                     ­              i woke up lying
                                      in a bed of roses
                                          crushed shoulders
                                 and numb fingertips
                                i sworn it had been
                            a humble beginning
                                      her sweet voice
                                            of calming
                              with that glazed over
                                   look in my eyes
                        she plucks at petals carefully
                              with expert precision

apart from lacking in
any real sleep
    it as in the fire
was nothing but
a prickly cactus
            a stone hedge maze              mirage
jovix Jun 2015
I protected summer
she broke down in winter
and now
there's no turning back
and with one breath
of her
        body and sound
it'll be
set up
and yet i nearly fell
with how well
she carries
she has brought
my stern face
      to a halt
its been
so long
jovix Jun 2015
laughter seems to be the addiction
          and epidemic of the times
        you can laugh it off
                      as a routine of the sort
     a tender kick to get you by
  but suddenly        as you awake
  what was once a healthy crutch
                              is now gone
          in replace of white walls
                  surrounded by
                   an empty vessel
jovix Jun 2015
it's the adjective i tend to be
continuing as with a task
especially in spite of obstacles
i'm sure i'll last
enduring tenaciously
constantly repeated
and continued
i guess i should take
lasting and permanent
as a physical trait
only because
my mind is remaining attached
beyond the usual time
as flowers or leaves
jovix Jun 2015
puffs so alluring
three dimensional
but you're not
i want to touch your creamy exterior
but all i get is moisture
your shading is ravishing
symmetrical paint thing
wisps of stratus horse tail ice
dusty cumulus marsh of mallow
your nimbus is what i dream
charcoal colored opaque
mixed in with a little blue
you make it hard
not to stare
at you
so eager as light shines off
your behind
you'll soon be mine.
overcast clear
jovix Jun 2015
understanding is a source of esoteric figure
there is no such of
humans per say
but a soul in a human body
let's just say i know
a lot more than i should
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