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jovix Jun 2015
..there's a dull tension in me that i don't notice until she walks through my door and every part of me exhales
        you were the something honest i was looking for to change my life..
jovix Jun 2015
an open faced
     quench of realization
fiercely trickles against the
             edge of my sips
            grant me another
                  now onto my fifth
        plea of sedation
                     is she yet
                         a woman of her word?
jovix Jun 2015
    set to be uncanny
         cries of desperation
  unexplained attempts at
        in love with questions
dream eating possibilities
              sectioned off
         without a proper
           crimson invite
she shutters at the way i bite my tongue
                                         and gasp for air,
               as if being mute
                       was an option
jovix Jun 2015
straw hat in hand
  so eloquently eager
             as loneliness
   begins to rear
         it's infamous head
     she plays dead
as the black bear cub
     cleverly sniffs her body
all secrets that have been
                 now lay
          for the architect
to design         yet oversee
  the technical knowledge
          of the structure
jovix Jun 2015
callouses on my upper left palm
it's been forty-two  days without the gracious presence of your face protruding every now and again...
    the saddest little strand of hair seems to fickle in and out of its abilities to remain stable
in an unearthly breath
glitter-esque of a moon
illuminates the tender muddy waters of
the cloudy thimble of talent in which
i call an entirely
off subject honestly
i'm just really tired
jovix Jun 2015
unfamiliar at the strength
        needed to deploy
     trigger happy fingertips
             saddened attempt
       at setting free
            an involuntary grin
         i've been holding within
jovix Mar 2015
silently weeping
i look at you
in a sense of disgust
and despair i knew -

she decided
she wanted to be
an acrobat
that day
she drew a line
in the sand
that was
going to be
her tightrope

— The End —