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 Apr 2016 Ronney
late (haiku)
 Apr 2016 Ronney
the sun disappears
some say the world goes to sleep
but really it wakes
 Apr 2016 Ronney
 Apr 2016 Ronney
take my one last breath,
and don't forget.
that I will be
right here waiting.

i get up off my bed
as the thought of you
awakens me
i walk downstairs
and wash my shirt
but nothing removed
the stain of your memory

the stain of when i thought you let go
the pain that made me bleed
the pain of your succinct words
that always hurt to read

these flowery i love yous
were said last year
we don't say it anymore
but know that i'll always be here

i can forget what you said
forget the good & the bad
i can forget all the borrowed time
but i can't forget
what we had

i read your messages today
i smiled even when it hurt like hell
it hurt that i know things have changed
and we don't say the things
we used to tell

'forget them', you said
but you know i remember
i remember how i met you
or how we smiled
in the night
of the cold december

we have grown distant
we have grown apart
'stay', you said
when you never really left my heart

please stay until i'm gone
i'm here.
hold on to me
i'm right here,
excerpt in the beginning and end are from blink 182's 'not now'
 Apr 2016 Ronney
 Apr 2016 Ronney
root yourself further
into this earth
with each heaving breath

pump your blood
into these rivers
with each beat of your heart

make it yours.
don't worry,
you're not dead yet.
 Apr 2016 Ronney
I wasn't meant to be understood
And you understand
I'm a light
With my darkness
A wave
Becoming particles
A choice made
That changes history

I wasn't meant to be anything
You make me something
I'm adrift
With empty feeling
Becoming full
A dream
Within a nightmare
A gilded fate

And all I know
Is what you've said to me
I'm a beautiful heart
And you think you're what my soul needs
You've always known
Even in undreamt past lives
That you were right
I need nothing but I need you............

Its all my hope you need me too
My thanks to the store clerk working the midnight shift
God bless the dishwashers at local restaurants laboring for minuscule pay
To the forklift operators moving freight for hours on end ,
to cleaning crews preparing offices for another day
For the plumber protecting health in the wee hours of
the morn
For sanitation workers hard at work well before dawn
Copyright April 24 , 2016 by Randolph L Wilson * All Rights Reserved
 Apr 2016 Ronney
But I'll be okay.
I'll pick up all the broken pieces you left behind.
Probably cut myself a few more times on them.
But what else can I do?
I've tried everything else.
I fell in love with someone who didn't want to be loved.
Who COULDNT be loved.
And even after realizing that, I held on.
Because I promised you I would.
I'm not one to break promises.
 Apr 2016 Ronney
John B
You claim to see me

When I cannot see myself

I'm sure you had meant something

Guess it can't be helped

I'd love to see myself

I can squint and fuss or bite

I just get light I once bumped into

Falling into my eyes
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