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Blue like the skies among wolves
I howl away the feeling of being alone
My pack waits upon mountains I can not reach

I remember when I used to chase the moon
The biggest drink of water I have ever had
I remember when, and that's why it pains me

I remember the touch of your trance
The sallow of your soul
The fire I would feel in the cold of the night
The colors you would exchange through the eclipse of your kiss
You left me unsettled
With thousands of things like these to miss

Years have passed while I pass in this life

White like the snow that melts under my feet
Washing away this sense of defeat
I will follow the river that flows down stream
Backward reflection of my watery heartbeat

My tummy sits full
While my chest buries me
Back stands straight
Feet kept clean
I will wrestle 'til the end of this lonesome night
Spirit be with me
Kiss me until I explode
Kiss me into infinity
Kiss me until you are apart of me
We, that is what we are
Like wolves on the mountains
Like the moon to the stars
If I sit and stare at a blank wall I could think of a billion things in one hour
If I sit and stare at mural I could still think of a billion things in just one hour
The difference in thought would be extreme
I'd start from scratch by staring into a blank abyss
I'd start in the midst of a billion by staring straight into a colored cave
The blank wall would allow me to go anywhere
The mural would keep me confined to the colors and pictures
Framed imagination that still soars
Among a wondrous plane
But starting from scratch would still do the same
Igniting an idea that did not start with a frame
I am allowing myself to light a new flame
Game changer
Idealistic match maker!
I will forget what my parents taught me
Bombard my future with my own colored view
Far out stars that have been found missing
End up on canvases as enamored hues
Galaxy speak to me with this pen
Let my mind be open to you
Let the strokes of my wrist wave this rhythm
Make my dreams come true
Colored murals that once were
I still seek anew
Time is changing
I am here to rescue you

I was sent here to rescue you
To minds that shore upon the resting waves:

Buried by passageways we named.
Circumstance that never had a face,
To better hide the weighted frame.

To bodies that scream at bitter ironies:

That spit out words in hopes that someones listening.
The pity of life's embrace with your decadence.
Breathing in vain is all the same.

To souls that learn the cold will let you in:

A night for bliss forbids the pain.
This summer heat will never settle in,
Reluctant pressure never letting go.

My body might as well be escaping me,
A book on a shelf for nobody else to read.
There are stories in your eyes.

I never told you how
sometimes I fell asleep
with the thought that you
were perhaps the moon-

always disappearing
with the dawn.
I would awake with
but the shape of you
on my bed and the
gloom of you on
my skin.
The spring sea rising
and falling, rising
    and falling all day.
Behold Nigeria my motherland
A land that sits upon the hills of many waters
A country built on the ancient landmark of heroes band
An Eagle that protects her citizens in the arms of her feathers.

A beautiful Nigeria whose fields are as green as green could ever be
An Iroko that stands on the root of peace and unity
A fertile land that is as fertile as fertility can ever be
A united people, a proud nation void of segregation nor discrimination in her city.

My motherland a land that upholds the staff of dignity and natural endowment
A land of unity and peace glowing like a river of gold across the horizon
A nation that feeds on the diet of heavens supplement
An ocean that runs through the test of raging storms un-torn.

My motherland! My motherland!
A Nigeria that adores her women more highly than the Queen of England
An Olive that yields more than the cedars of Lebanon
A land whose daughters are as beautiful as the daughters of Job in Jerusalem's land
An independent country as powerful as the King Nebuchadnezar of Babylon.

It's Nigeria my motherland
A land that rests on the pillars of her freedom
A country seated on the pearls and treasures of many Ireland
A Nigeria that lives on the soil of heavens wisdom.
Trading my *****'s cloth
for the raiment of a pilgrim
was the greatest of gifts
from you.

After wandering for years
living on sorrow
and regret
becoming empty as the desert
it was enough to have met you.

I am afraid that we will never be
that which I so fervently wished
no matter how deep my love
may envelope me.

I won't pretend that this
brings me any sort of joy
but if it's the only way
for me to progress
I accept.

I know where I am going now,
have a destination at last
that may or may not
involve companionship with you.

Some day though,
I will reach the place
out beyond Rumi's field
and in that oasis
I will build my Garden.
A pilgrim (from the Latin peregrinus) is a traveler (literally one who has come from afar) who is on a journey to a holy place. Typically, this is a physical journeying (often on foot) to some place of special significance to the adherent of a particular religious belief system. In the spiritual literature of Christianity, the concept of pilgrim and pilgrimage may refer to the experience of life in the world (considered as a period of exile) or to the inner path of the spiritual aspirant from a state of wretchedness to a state of beatitude. - Wikipedia
Where was I two years ago?
Nuzzling your hair?
Kissing your cheek?
Or was I numb with pain by now?
Every word choked out like pulling teeth.

Did we take a shower together that day?
Where I swore your body
Begged me to stay?
Did I ask you yet your reasons why?
Did you tell me nothing in reply?
Did I ask you yet if this was just a break?
Did I go to bed, praying I’d never wake?
 Oct 2014 Roger Marquis
So many years have drained,
slowly taking what was once mine
scattering it over endless thoughts and memories
And I wonder why, where has it all gone…
Silver finds locks once dark,
muscles speak in much louder tones

Sleep is something of youthful moments
and nightmares wrap me where once bloomed orchids

Coming down that mountain…stumbling,
gazing on the valley below, green and lush,
envying those who still smile,
holding hands and drinking of life
one happy sip at a time
from that half full glass held next to their hearts

Not a drop spilled on their dance floor,
mixing with saw dust and erratic footprint designs

A tear finds my cheek, lonely as it is
asking what did it mean, why has loved passed me by
Nary a wave or a nod, eyes fixed elsewhere
Am I hideous…the thought has crossed my mind…why did I just grin,
did something soft touch me and I didn’t notice,
until now…perhaps

There’s that word again…seems overused
though it hasn’t been spoken in ages

Entering that final path, winding…tiring so
but a spring in the old step, a bounce found in place of a crawl
“Sweet the fragrant air doth find me of you”
Why did I just say that, and in a voice I hadn’t heard in so long
Seems to be singing…and it is me…me
and funny…I hear harmony

So it has come, the voices of my past belting out a few notes
into the mind of crab cake crumbles and starched socks

Yet it is not in my head, it is on the wind…a cool breeze of song
wafts along aged skin and tickles…and I laugh at the feeling
When she appears from a field of lavender, different yet perfect,
beautiful eyes, lips…I must be going insane…they said it would happen…madness
Then she smiles at me and I smile back, could this be….love…me
Taking my hand we run…yes run…uphill…and I feel free

Reaching in my pocket I pull out the four leaf clover
I found when I was twelve and whisper…”Took you long enough”
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