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Rob K Jun 2020
4 boxes, a bike
1 bedroom set for the night.
A snowboard all cracked,
But filled with memories from far back.
A TV and computer
And my desk for the future

Are all that I'm taking with me...

How small, 20 years, turned out to be...
Rough marriage, divorce, and what little all my worldly possessions turned out to be... Hm...
Rob K May 2017
There's a substantial difference,
From knowing the path and walking it.

Yet never finding a path,
Differs much more.
Rob K Sep 2020
Woke up from a dream,
Where I was a leaf,
Being passed up an ever growing tree.
From stem to stem, branch to branch, I was passed along up the tree.  
And as I, this leaf ascended, being pushed along by the tree itself, everyone I loved so much, sat on branches, leaning against the trunk like Huckleberry Finn might, if he were resting in a tree.  
And as I'd pass them, they'd look at me so lovingly,
Hold a hand out as if to catch me,
But no one ever actually caught and held me, the leaf, forever being pushed along up the tree.

Until I the leaf, neared the top of the tree.
And I as an old man sat in the very top branches.
Surrounded by everyone I loved.  
Crying so painfully.  
Reaching out to me, the leaf.  
Wanting to hold me just once...
Until I passed my old man self too...  
And left the tree on a breeze.  
Never to see them again.
Rob K Dec 2020
I never really wanted control.
I simply sought to limit my exposure,
To the dangers that persist.

The people, situations,
The moments of life,
That believe peace...
Shouldn't ever, exist.

This never meant I wanted to be master,
One who holds...
All of the keys.

For the more keys in my pockets,
The more cumbersome,
Each step tends to be.

The only control I really sought after,
Was one over, only my own key.

To lock my door from all others,
Embracing isolation, who lets me be me.

But being myself to no one.
Is much like, the questions of old

Like, If no one witnesses a tree falling,
Did it truly whither, from being alone and cold...

I still have monsters...
I still bare so much sin.

And here we are now forever...
Me, myself, and I...
In a game, we shall never win.

So if life has proven me in one thing.
It is that never should I trust.

Which if you know this truth as well...
What's the answer, as it makes life...

A bust...

And here...

All directions...  Is death on the cusp.
Rob K Sep 2019
There's a twinkle!
Run!  I have to have it!

Something glows warm,
Oh my God, I want this one!

Listen! It sings so sweetly...
If I could catch it, I'd surely feel done.

It's my piece!
To the puzzle of me...

If I held it,
I'd feel like life has begun.

I'm incomplete,
So long as it's absent.

It's while I never feel,
Like, I could ever be...

Something so special,
To, someone.
Rob K Aug 2020
At moments in life I have come...
In the same space,
As one made, from bits, of the sun.

And in their, presence, I'm surely stunned
Like an angelic Medusa,
I'm left frozen, while not wanting to run.

But as a statue, I've lost all that's fun...
And she's gone, like a shot,
From an abruptly fired gun...

Yet I've awakened to an answer at last...
For with an angel,
Frozen fear, can be a thing of the past.

For if this angel could wait just a bit.
Sip some tea, have a cookie,
And simply have a little sit.

Whisper friendly words in my ear.
Little droplets would form,
As she'd be melting my fear.

And to dance, we both can take.

Run in circles, laugh out loud,
Stone skin falls away with laughing,
And the belly it shakes.

And in me she could watch the seed grow.

Made of lustful storms,
Loving dreams,
A river to her heart in full flow.

And through the torture of new life in bloom,
She'd see me struggle with desire,
To be lock away in her womb...

But water me, with her blessed grace...

Watch those dreams and the hope,
Crumble away to replace.

The raging tides found in me.
Once frozen, the water that was,
Originally freezing solid my feet.

And in me... She'd find a calm sea.
With a glowing little seed,
Deep below where the sea monsters should be.

And then...  Dive into me.
Go deep.  Hold on.  
The pressure can get so frightening.

And kiss... This little seed.
Hold it tight, here it goes,
From you births a godling.

And join with an ocean that explodes.

**** the kraken and Posideon,
To this, those guys are side shows.

For you...  Have birthed a God.
All it's might, all it's fury,
All the love.
Leaving the world feeling awed.

And to you, a blanket of stars.
A chariot pulled by constellations,
Just to hear you laugh, circling Mars.

All... Just... because...

The patience you did take.
Whole universes will now,
Forever be born from your wake

An Angel... birthing... a god...


It's fantasy...

You're an angel, and I'm awed...
I probably need to proof and tweak this more.  Just a little fantasy...
Rob K Jan 2017

Mostly I write,
So who I am is finally shown.

The meekest form,
I know to expose,
My inner workings,
How my heart goes...

I think it's no different,
Than the rest of the world.
I just wish everyone had a platform,
To be similarly heard.
Rob K Aug 2020
In a way, I feel like him,
The musketeer, Aramis.
A man, spreading love,
And peace, from his breast.

A soul full of joy,
But blemished by wicked's touch.
Repenting for him and others.
Praying near, a simple blush.

A tongue made of silver,
And well aware who it can slay.
But this strength behind his lips,
Is part of him, in every way.

I sometimes find myself in wonder,
Would he forsaken if he could...
His words of utter sweetness,
So the rest of him, is all that stood.
Rob K Jan 2017
I wish i could say words don't have edges...
I wish I could say they're full of fluff.

But words all my life have been serrated.
And my skin, was never quite thick enough.

The old adage about sticks and stones,
Never really meant much to me.

Because words have never felt very blunted.
And from them, I so often bleed.

If I didn't think they held true intention,
Maybe, just maybe I'd get along.

But it seems after years of torture by stereo,
A world of words, is a place I don't belong...
Rob K Jul 2020
I dream wistfully of the day
I meet that special someone
That makes me yearn for myself

That I let myself be selfish
And leave the world and it's wants
To gather dust, on a shelf...
Rob K Mar 2020
It's not the first time,
It all got too much.
Straws, little weights,
Camels spitting, wicked dares not to touch.

Like little log houses,
Not designed for things grand.
Yet built with a whole forest,
A families, last stand.

And much like a dandelion,
Over crowded with seed.
The slights breeze tears apart,
What was held tight by births need.

So does this man,
Yield at far too much.
But somehow grips tightly.
His dreams held in a clutch.

In the end it's left to nature...
All things come with a peak.
No matter how strong,
Havock still finds, its own way wreak.

I guess the reality,
Is nothing's immune to change.
It's the way of death and of newness...
It's equivalent exchange.

But I pity those pieces,
Caught in the middle of this storm.
Even if flames bear fruit,
From the soil, is it torn.

So again I spit,
My walls creak under the weight.
I pray for the fruit,
Which I did help make.

And the earth that endures,
Or was simply consumed whole.
I wish you some time,
And rest for your soul.
Rob K Jan 2020
I've come to realize baggage,
Is really a woven empty bag.
Yarn of broken hopes and expectations.
Woven together of things, we thought we once had.

Mostly made up of people,
Really just of the memories.
That over time we have formed.

Memories needled together.
In some knit stitch,
Knitting kind of storm.

The key to baggage is in part knowing,
A few things, right from the top.

It's only an empty bag you've been making.
That you have to unravel, to get the knitting, to stop.

Unravel all of those people.
From the strings of moments,
They've been trapped in.

Like a web of a spider, life *******.
Removing the web, is where you begin.

Hopefully you'll find yourself in the remainder.
Of the now useless, pieces of thread.
And once you've untangled all that madness.
You'll find, it's made, a pillow for your head.
Rob K Mar 2019
Beauty is something,
I didn't seem get.
It took age and children,
Wonder and regret.

But for those who also struggle,
In this word to define,

What beauty really is,
Here's how it works...  
For Beauty Over Time

At youth the physical,
Seems to excel.
Sometimes wit or humor,
Makes a heart begin to swell.

Often beauty,
Is very singular.
How he's so handsome,
How she's spectacular.

Is the word,
That often comes to mind.
Like a lonely single thing,
Can make anything sublime.

And that's not to say,
Beauty can't be simple,
Like how she pushes back a loose hair,
Like my smile shows my dimple.

But over time...

Some things will lose their luster...

Let that not worry you...
For beauty has a great stamina it can muster.

Through memories,
Of laughter,
Of loving,
Of care.

Through weeping,
Of pains,
Of the losses,
We bare.

For beauty is actually,
The weights on a scale.
Telling the stories,
Of our beautiful tale.

"Her hair is so gorgeous!"
Beauty takes a weight...

"*** what a *****..."
Finds a mate.

In this simple example,
I try to provide,
Note that the scale,
Is leaning on both sides.

Beauty is very,
In the eye of the beholder.
But all those who behold,
Watch as we warm or grow colder.

What I'm trying to tell you,
In far too many words,
Is don't worry about one thing,
That might make your beauty burn.

There are so many,
Ways we can shine.
We can sparkle or glow dim,
Cast sunshine or moonlight.

But I urge you a caution.

Beauty is truly, weights on a scale.

One day, divine in body,
But on another...
Hells compassion gone pale.

All scales are sensitive.
Forever they sway.
It's you who it's up to.
As to where, you add weight.
I started largely with a vague thought, then the title.  As with most poetry I write, sometimes a title is better off coming last.  :-p
Rob K Sep 2020
With the amount of trauma,
And amount I've suffered,
For as long as I've endured, these both.

I realized long ago,
This would be healing till I die.
And I'm scared, of how long I have to go.
Rob K Jan 2017
Sometimes I imagine,
I'm the man on the moon.
Brought to this existence,
Entirely to soon.

Without choice was I,
Cast into this role,
While being forced to watch,
All the beauty and wonder below.

To watch the youth,
Rumble and tumble,
Grow fair and strong,
See their joy and their trouble.

Unable to lend hand,
Or participate,
Simply from afar,
All this I must take.

To see a love flourish,
And the agony of loss,
I'd give all of my mass,
To be a part of their flock.

As the ultimate outsider,
No chance to be held...

As the ultimate outsider,
In the distance I dwell...
Old writing...
Rob K Aug 2020
What is the line,
Between good intentions and control.
Between being sensitive to others,
Or if it's somethings best let go?

Some of the vilest of us,
Had intentions good enough,
For a world that they loved,
But how they loved was too rough.

So while I get, and I do,
My efforts may offend you.
Intentionally hurt no one will I,
As forever do I try...
Rob K Jun 2020
43 muscles,
Ache through my skin.
From swollen red eyes,
To a quivering chin.

Winds of change,
Rake across my face.
Stealing my breath,
Faster than the void of space.

All that I love,
Drifted to a black hole and ****** away.
One by one I watch vanish,
To a gravity made of that change.

But I drift on the horizon,
Not worthy as an event.
I swim towards the well,
Where everything I wanted had been sent.

Frictionless efforts,
Exhausted all that I am.
So I drift and I wait...
Until my own black hole pulls me in...
Rob K Jan 2017
We brush past each other
Each in our own world
But your fragrance grabs me
Spins me with a twirl

I freeze for a moment
As I now recall
We touched just now gently
Neither noticing at all

I see you paused equal
With an interesting look
Like from some reverie
From which you were just shook

I wonder if you noticed
Our brief, gentle connection
Or did another sense of yours
Point you in my direction

Suddenly our eyes meet
And I start to blush
Your lips curl up slowly
Your cheeks reddening in a rush

And with your gentle manners
I'm left to just stare
As every little move you take
Is done without care

Both fluid and dazzling
In motion or fixed
I'm shocked by this moment
As something now clicks

I see your eyes twinkle
Blazing with a spark
That our touch has finally found
A home for our heart
Old write
Rob K Feb 2020
Pinch me I'm sleeping,
Just don't expect me to wake.
I'm far... far too tired.
And long ago, did I break

For a field of carrots,
Dangle from the sky.
Hung upon strings
Of clouds floating by.

And as hard as I've run,
As long as I've chased.
Those carrots they stay ahead.
Never allowing a taste.

I've charged over cliffs,
Gone head first into stone.
And my last breath left me,
Many ages ago.

So I lay here now hurting,
Feeling nothing as well.
Perhaps it's time carrots...
Can just got to hell.
Rob K Jan 2017
Step on her porch,
Outside to catch air.
And she steps out behind,
Without me realizing she's there.

I softly whisper,
"If I could just prove my worth,
I'd love you like no other,
Who's ever walked this Earth..."

And she smiles beside me quietly,
Leans her chin on my shoulder...
"I've known your worth forever,
You've already won me over..."
Not my most original, still, had a sweet tone and felt like sharing.  :)
Rob K Aug 2020
"Check please."


"Yes I'm done, a check if you please."

"But sir,
You've still got
Orders and tasks and moments to squeeze"

"Moments of dessert?"

"Yes indeed,
But some are quite ****."

"Ah, no thank you.
My meal was bitter from the start."

"Not to your liking?"

"Mmm.  Some sides were quite nice.
Some sugar, some butter,
And I loved all the spice.

But the main course my friend,
Was tough and not fair.

I was really seeking tenderness,
But instead I got hair."

"We make no apologies,
For that which we cook.

We're all that was open,
And our chefs never read a cook book."

"Yes yes that's all well and good.
It took me a while,
But I eventually realized where I stood.

Not in an establishment,
That I would have chose.
But rather a sewer,
Never sprayed with a hose."

"No need to be rude,
This is just how things are.
Your comments and thoughts,
Have now gone too far"

Now my friend,
I really just wish to go.

My nose is all runny,
With no tissue to blow.

My stomach's in knots,
My heart burns full of acid.
I'm rather quite flush,
From some growing form of gases.

So check if you please,
I'd like to leave this place."

"Get your check your **** self,
It's only you, you must face."

"Good day..."

"Good day to you as well."
Rob K Feb 2020
It's weird to be around,
Those truly close.
I've been so far separated,
From everyone I know.

I see the shared smiles,
The connection that's shared.
The deep understanding,
Nevermind, you'd hafta been there.

It's so weird to be around,
Those truly close.
When you walk through your life
As little more... Than a ghost.
Rob K Jan 2017
Broken I wait

Staring at a sky

Overrun by ambiance


Missing wishes in flight
Rob K Sep 2020
You have your secrets.
Experiences, who's description, will never cross your lips.
Not to God.
The Devil.
Regardless, whatever they may know.

Keep them.
It's fine.
For you are who you are now.
And who you were...
Doesn't deserve you.
Rob K Dec 2018
Numerous people,
Have numerous ideas,
Should the devil man actually exist.

And as to the greatest of dangers,
The greatest of threats,
That this evil, has placed in our midst.

Lately an idea,
Has whispered to me,
Inventing the word Victim...

And letting us do with it, whatever we wish.
Rob K Sep 2020
Insides, clenched by a grip.
"Walk carefully..."
Else that last step,
You could fall, you could tip.

Throw, myself,
Down, onto the floor.
"Please finally spill out,
So I don't feel this anymore..."

Rise, up and be empty.
But the pipes are still full,
And the well's full of plenty.

Logically, just disconnect.
But there only one line,
And the good goes with the rest.
Rob K Aug 2020
Do you sleep,
With your inner eye wide open,
And your inner voice...
Locked, in a silent scream?

That's probably...
Why I don't dream...
Rob K Aug 2020
How long is a dream,
Worth holding on to?

When years,
All pass right by you.

How long is a pain,
Of going without,
Worth a journey,
That may never work out.

And how do you fill,
The void if let go...
Of the dream and goal,
Are what kept you whole...

How long is a dream,
Worth holding on to?

If dreaming said dream,
Leaves your heart split in two?


That dream is true love,
One size for one pair.

But love just like this,
Doesn't come...

From simply.... anywhere...

So before you cast thought,
On what one should do...

I've had broken heart,
Of missing this dream,
From 1.. plus 42...
Rob K May 2017
I find it rather interesting,
Love defined, as by my age.
My own timeline tells me,
In defining I was no sage.

Seems just as we grasp a meaning.

Time completes.

And we're forced to turn the page.

I know now that my definition,
Is something a touch more whole.
A slightly less shallow meaning,
Is something I now know.

For I once thought it required,
For love, to be give and take.
That those were points to tally.
It was a balance we must make.

Which true this is,
To small degree.
There should be equal parts.

Investment made by one,
Must reside in both our hearts.

And tally true,
One exists.
But count it never should we.

For if the love,
Is true to both,
Time will let us see.

Rushing love,
Poor demands,
Expectations run amuck.

But if you try,
Unconditional faith,
Your love, won't, be in need luck.

And believe me when I say this.
Take lessons like this to heart.

For if you don't,
Learn real love.
You'll miss it as it parts.
Rob K May 2017
I see the cracks,
Residing in the mirror.
But my skills, for repair,
Are lacking.

I've learned of the trades,
To mend the flaws.
But this tasks difficulty,
Leaves me just whacking.

Banging on,
The reflective filmed glass.
I often,
Just scatter the pane.

But I'm so **** afraid,
Of what this mirror does to others.
I don't think I can ever,
Share it again.
Rob K Apr 2017
Breaking up,
Years of life making a friend.

Gone in a blink,
The loss last forever,
And the rollercoaster,
Turns it's first bend.

You'll start down so low,
And maybe you'll rise,
But tricky,
This coaster tends to go.

It'll pitch you and twist,
Will take you for loops,
With no restraints,
You be so exposed.

You fly by the attendant,
Scream "LET ME OFF!"
But she'll stare on,
Eyes, lost in a glaze.

And just as you accept it,
This is where your at,
The coaster will,
Will spit in your face.

It's not the attendant,
Nor the passenger on this ride,
They're really,
Not the ones you should blame.

It's this carnival called life,
And desire to be loved,
That will take you to a world,
Blurred by your teary haze.
Rob K Jan 2017
She seems much too high,
So far out of reach.
Twinkling in a sunset,
But never washed away, by the sunrises bleach.

She's really quite simple.
A bright and shining sky spec.
It's a simple and pure beauty,
Stoic and unreadable at best.

Little did I know,
On the ground which I stood.
Was the only place her light shined.
But explained it away, as soon as I could.

For I am no star.
In no sky do I rest.
So I smiled a sorrowed smile,
And moved on, with more weight in my chest.
Rob K Jan 2020
I was never a lover of distance,
At best, a sprinter I tended to be.

But divides have always been a splinter,
In catching the favorites, that I would see.

Like walking along a creek.
A frog, does my young eye spy.

But he was going 'hop hop',
From way, on the other side.

So lessons from my surroundings,
I'd make note and ponder away.

So over the creek I too did hop,
Next to my little teacher, I would stay.

But I never cared much for distance...
Some gaps were much go wide.

The distance wasn't always the problem,
Sometimes it was the tide.

Of the great sea that laid between us.
It was the season, of great swells and rain.

Still without, all of the miles,
There'd be no sea, no wind, or pain.

Though I wish to walk all the miles.
Just to come knocking at your door.

Time is the real distance...
So I must wait...  A little more.
Rob K Jul 2020
Force the spike, into the ground,
Watch the soil give way.
You may stand up your tent tonight,
But earth itself gave way.

Force the door, as it is stuck,
To open on your command.
Today perhaps no damage is shown,
But in time, the scars will stand.

To force a thing,
Is to break,
That which you push,
For your own sake

So push and pull,
Stomp and shout.
You loved it once,
But it's broken now.
Random thoughts on the power of force
Rob K May 2017
I will be ok.
I will bleed, from a broken heart.
But I, will be ok.

I will grow.
I will contort, through past regrets.
But in the end, I, will grow.

I will hope.
When all is finally,
Nothing but darkness.
A light will shine, and I will hope.

I will love.
As it may become,
My greatest fear.
One day, again, I will love.

For now I will struggle,
Let my inner voices pitch and scream.
But eventually.
I'll be ok.
Rob K May 2017
For half of my life,
I have loved her.

For half of my life,
She was there.

For all of my life,
I have blundered.

Not understanding,
For what, I truly care.

I watch as half of me is leaving.
I feel myself torn in two.

I'm powerless now to the motion,
Of farewell,
And bidding adieu.
Rob K Nov 2019
I got on the ride...
It looked like so much fun.
I remember that day,
As my eyes glittered of joy in the sun.

I had no idea.
How sick it would make me.
But sick in my heart,
And as expected dizzy.

Round and round,
I would go.
But when chance to get off,
The ride again glowed.

And hope would leap,
And strangle my throat.
Robbing the oxygen from my thoughts,
Until back on I would go.

Having forgotten just how,
The pain I had felt,
Just hope for a ride,
That would cause all the sorrow to melt.

But again I would spin,
Laugh for a moment at first.
And on it would go,
Bringing back all of the hurt.

And I find myself back,
Dangling over the edge,
Face skimming the ground...

Round and round,
On my heartbroken merry-go-round...
Rob K Sep 2020
He's been broken by everyone,
While being a rock to be counted on.
The gravel of himself,
He's rebuilt time and time again.

He's a fragile stone,
A story written in fissures,
Who landslides on your peaks,
Because you're the whole range...

Of where his real connection to earth,
Begins and it ends.
And he's worth...
Holding his hands.
Rob K Jan 2017
When your heart sheds tears,

Know that your heart is your souls night sky.

And its tears...

Are shooting stars being wished upon.
Rob K Jan 2017
It's been a while,
Since I exclaimed,
The rhymes without reason,
Colliding in my brain.

Realistic scenes.

And Karma,
Wondrous dreams...

I guess I'm simply glad to be back...
Spilling my guts,
And dumping out my sad sack.

I hope this time,
I can discover something more profound.
Rather then just dump on any listener,
Who just happens to be around...
Rob K Jan 2017
I once was a boy,
Asked little of others.
Most vanished, as though stolen by the night.

Days on end I remember,
Waking up to the still,
Of not a soul, to be found within my sight.

Notes on tables,
Bagged lunches magically appear,
Yet still, no one, to smile upon.

And as I grew older,
I find myself ignorant,
In how, this parenting thing, is done...
Rob K Dec 2019
Though I use the word all the time...
I've found it's the most repulsive, letter past A.
Even, as I sit here writing.
I wish I had, a different way to say.

That I, should you ever find one.
Is actually beautiful, when you pair it with me...
Yet another word, I have avoided.  
Because me, is often the only thing, many seem to see.

But if you spent your life trying.
Trying to make, something out of your me...
While crying alone feeling parched and dieing.
As though a cast away, drifting alone out through the sea.

You just might find, your other I sighing.
Alone and oarless, but also fighting.
Fighting for just one chance to see.
Their savior, but clearly not me.

Until, your lonesome rafts merge.
Like two great currents, longing to be...
Reunited, after their births,
From distant frozen memories, that no one should have ever seen.

You might find, you both share a warmth.
Crafted by how, you've both drifted from so far.
A warmth that hides you amongst each other,
Making hit hard to see, where once, you did start.

But suddenly, as now kind fate would have it.
You no longer care where you once started, or where you now end.
As you two, have finally come together.
It's like heaven said, your lives can finally begin.
If you met your clone... And found her to be your soulmate...
Rob K Aug 2020
A foundation, of stone and of iron.
Walls, of steel three foot deep.

A slotted door,
Guarded by more,

Shelter what others might seek.

Surrounded by trees, that weep.

Imposing, this but a cottage it stands.

Forged by time
By sweat and blood covered hands

It rests on a swamp of quicksand.
Rob K May 2017
Sit at my desk,
Hiding from pain.
Years record,
At ten thousand frames.

Slowly I feel,
All that hurts so much.
Isolating myself,
When I'm desperate for touch.

Loved ones flutter by,
Stop by, say hello.
All from a distant,
Whisper at my elbow.

Now I'm alone.
And I wouldn't have to be.
If I simply had turned.
And engaged my family.
Rob K May 2018
Long has it been,
Since I've picked up the ink.
And drained, all of my thoughts away.

I've missed the flow of words,
The unbridled free form vent,
Returning emotions, gone too long astray.

Ready?  I think I'm not,
But a dabbler I've always been.
And dabbling, is often my favorite form of play.

So though it's been a while,
playfully I try to write.
And hopefully, I come back, another day.
Really has been too long...
Rob K Dec 2019
I think, it's time for a parting.
To let live and simply let die.
All, that's made me who I am.
All, that's scarred my inside.

All that's defined how I see the world.
To all, that left me alone.
I think, it's time for a parting.
Let lessons, redefine the word "home".
Rob K Dec 2016
It's funny how the past,
Carries burdensome memory.
Self image and assumptions,
Replay heartache and self loathing.

As time trickles by,
We blink and we've aged.
We find such old thoughts,
Define our present cage.

And you may find yourself,
Presented by the likes of Christmas past.
A wonderous haunt,
Rattling the chains of your caged inner trash.

That's what I now face.
Emotional electrocution woke me up.
To see what could have been,
And remind me...
That I'm stuck.
Rob K May 2017
Some days,
You want to stand in your home,
Set it on fire,
And watch it all burn.

Some days,
You want to stand in your home,
Breath in the memories,
And exhale the love.

The hardest days,
Are when you want to do both.
Rob K Jan 2020
Life's lessons are often very trying.
Saying you've learned, is just easy lying.
Reflection, is how one goes about buying.
The hard actions, that show, you are real.
Rob K Sep 2020
I want to tell you a story,
Of a man touched by sin.
At the start of his life,
Where his soul did begin.

But we pick up at a moment,
Where his freedom is found.
By his savior in horror,
Wrapped, in black gown.

"I wish to let go,
and in you fully trust.
Do what you will...
Do what you must..."

She gave herself freely.
Knowing his soul.
Touched by his warmth,
Having snuggled in his glow.

But he was dark dressed,
Just as was she.
Pain in them both,
Raged like a tumultuous sea.

Both had long ago,
Whispered their woes.
Clasped hands in pure trust.
And swore to go where each other would go.

"Be free" her last words,
And the demon awoke.
Her laying in darkness.
Him burning with smoke.

He hovered above her,
And let loose his rage.
She lay silently...
Both linked by their faith.

Bedding was shredded,
Walls cracked and fell.
His fury split heaven,
Her fear drown out hell.

And he looked down on her,
No mark had been made.
It was as they both imagined.
The end of their days.

He tipped his head gently,
Bared teeth held in awe.
At the glowing of her heart.
And the depth of its draw.

He bit her heart gently.
Without even a thought.
Drew in all of her essence,
Until her body was stopped.

Panic arose,
"Oh god it's as I feared!"
He tried to pour her back,
But black ooze only smeared.

And then a little glimmer,
Of whom he gave his life.
Warmed deep within him.
And with her glowing faithful knife...

She carved a path,
Up into his chest.
And his glow she unburied,
For a moment they rest.

"You... my love...
Pulled me from my corpse.
Through your hellish figure,
You took the soul that was yours."

"And as I have promised,
Through the love that we share.
I claimed the soul that is mine,
So we can finally leave here."

Cloaks made of ashes,
From each others burned away husk.
Formed on their shoulders,
A reminder, of pasts touch.

Now pure of light,
Wrapped in the softness of ash.
They found freedom in trust...
And walked their days, with a laugh...
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