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 May 2015 Robin Harris
Memory oppression.
It never works for me.
They always come back eventually.
It hits me like a wave,
crashing around me and drowning me
in an ocean of regret and self-loathing.
I feel so ****** up.

The easiest defense,
is to feel numb.
Smoke until my lungs hurt.
Drink until I cannot feel anything
Because the pain of my present actions,
sure as hell beats the agony i feel when
I think of all that I've done.

I am told I'm a good person.
I try to believe it.
But I can't let go of
the things I've done.
The people I've destroyed.

Montauges of the past
are like snapshots of
the truth of who I really am.

Relying on strangers for the necissities of every day life.
"Stay with me, love. Sleep in my bed. You will be safe."
"Snort this, dear. It will be okay."
Why did I listen?
Everything goes black then.
I awaken,
covered in sweat.
"What happened?"
No answer,
he just showed me the door.
It's strange,
I cannot even remember his name.
I will never forget his face though.

Drinking a liquid drug.
Flashes of insanity.
Laying on the bathroom floor,
questioning where I was.
Who I was.
Slamming my fists into the wall.
Trying to make the pounding in my head stop.
Make the voices stop.
Make the people in my head stop asking me all their
******* questions.

"Would you like to try something new?"
This strange man was offering me ****..
"Of course." I reply.
"I'll try anything."
Carefully lighting the pipe.
"Careful now, light it for too long and it will explode."
How did I fit so much smoke in my mouth?
Give it a second.
Feel the rush.

The tight pinch of the rubber around my arm,
I enjoyed the rush of nervousness as she said,
"This will only hurt a little."
The bite of the needle.
The image of my blood,
tainted black.

I thought he was so attractive.
I hooked up with his brother though,
while he shot up adderall in the bathroom.
He had a shortage of ****** at the time.

So many men told me they loved me in Utah.
They held me in their arms and stroked my hair.
They kissed my lips in a way that made me believe them.
None lasted more than a week.
Either I would not have *** with them when they wanted.
Or they realized how ****** up I really am.
Either way,
I was left empty and starving for love.
On to the next one.

Nothing compares,
to my ******.
I still remember
the sweet yet bitter taste of it.
I remember when I was a child,
I said I would never smoke a cigarette.
Who have I become?

Having *** for the first time in three years in a homeless shelter.
A twenty-two year old jailbird.
I will never forget
the swatstika on his chest.
Or the way he left the second after.
The sheets felt so cold that night.
And I felt so empty.

The man I thought I loved.
I knew him for all of a month,
when he was arrested before my eyes.
And it was all my fault.
I never saw him again.
His last words were,
"I love you. I'm so sorry."
I cried for two weeks straight.
We would smoke ****.
Have *** and never tire.
I thought I loved him.
I realize now,
I cannot fully recall a memory.
Or any feeling of affection towards him.
I hope he is okay.

his name was Tyler.
He housed me.
He took care of me.
I lead him on,
so I could have a roof over my head.
And I broke his heart.
And felt nothing.

***** Vegas drug runs.
With four men,
late 20's.
****** addicts.
I remember
leaving the parking lot,
looking to either side of me.
That day I saw true addicts.
Blood streaming from their drug infested veins.
I guess that's what happens when you
re-open old wounds.
I asked if I could have some,
after all,
I did find them a ride.
They said no to shooting it up.
But graciously let me smoke some.
The result?
Throwing up in the Vegas parking lot for an hour.
It's okay.
We went back to one of their place and did more.
Along with *******.
One week later they were raided.
10-20 years in prison.

One man I lived with for a month.
He was 31 years old.
Two younger daughters.
He always had a group of teenagers at his house
smoking ****.
The **** his daughters saw..
He kicked me out for not having *** for him.
It was my "payment" and I just couldn't do it.
It didn't feel right.
One month later his house was raided.
In front of his daughters he was handcuffed.
10 years in prison.

Wyatt called me a couple times.
Each time I burst out in tears.
How could he still love me?
I left him.
But I still loved him more than anything.
He was the only one who loved me unconditionally.

I remember Leavitt.
I have never met a nastier man.
He tried to turn me into a ******* numerous times.
He knew how badly I needed ******.
Why did I put up with him?
he had a car.
he molested me on more than one occasion..
Most likely because I could never remember it the next day.
He always promised me ****** if I stayed around.
Empty promises.
I tried to leave,
he stole my phone.
Called my parents and told them everything.
******* *******.
I did not want them to see who their daughter was now.

Brent tried to be there for me.
I used him.
And he knew it.
But he is a good person.
And he loved me.
So he sacrificed.

I had a friend named Tayler.
She was 15.
Dating a 27 year old drug dealer.
She was street smart.
Stole his **** almost everyday.
He was too drugged up to realize it was his own girlfriend.

My parents sent me money once.
Two hundred dollars.
It was spent on ****.
And what wasn't spent on ****,
my friends stole.
And I always forgave,
because they were all I had.

I am extremely grateful,
that many more memories have not come back.
I know some are terrible.
And I'm not ready to face them quite yet.

I have no idea how
I could associate myself with these people.
Let alone let myself become one.

Everything was so *****.
Every one was so *****.
I repress any dark side I have,
that I used to show.
Because I'm afraid to become that again.

I never want to be that person again.
I never want to live that life again.
When will I get closure?
When will I forgive myself?
When will I let myself be happy?
I think some people are just meant to be unhappy.

I don't think happiness is possible for me.
A bit of coke,
little drag of smoke,
nothing suits me
like the
sip of gin
trickling down

               your lips

I’m hoping for an ashtray,
a pinch of crystal on
my wrists to feed
these veins
from a dehydrated paroxysm

Never settle for a
sober embrace or
the scent of your

             showered skin

But I’ll take the drug,
the need
             (a scar)

to burn naked purity
if it means I’ll
always be gone
My name’s _,
And I’m an addict…

And like so many others,
I’ve watched
The smoky hot
Of death,
Pass me by,
Smelled the end
Just miss me,
For no reason,
Gave grave glares
Into my eyes
And tried,
To turn them hollow
I felt the whiplash crack
Of fate
Slash my back,
So deep,
I had to sleep,
On my stomach,
I’ve been lucky

See I was once worlds away
From these buckled knees
You see on stage,
In my own head
Behind iron bars of rage
The roller coaster of my life,
Had no track,
My pool,
Was all tidal waves and deep end,
I couldn’t depend
On myself
To feed myself,
Needed a shot to jumpstart my heart
And just be myself,
A circle I could never break,
And matter of fact
That roller coaster did have a track,
But it was all flat,
And just went round and round
Like that…

I’ve watched so many souls
Fall victim to the grips of addiction
Fantasizing empty aspirations
Climbing a never-ending ladder to nowhere,
Thinking other people
Were building their castles
On your low self-esteem,
When no one can hurt you
Unless you’re hurting yourself,
Letting them penetrate your skin,
Fill voids with enough poison
To go round,
The foundation of the devil’s playground,
Jungle gym of junk I hid in,
To smoke my **** in instead of play on,
And when for some “game on”,
Meant football,
Or tag,
For me it meant another bag
To smokescreen emotion with,
A virtual loaded clip
Barrel to shaky lips,
Medicating pain,
Selling my self-esteem like old shirts in thrift shops,
I was scared…

So this is for those still fighting,
Those deciding
They are sick of being sick,
Living fix to fix
On obsolete clouds of bliss,
There is hope,
There is hope and there is help,
But the desire to truly want it,
That voice so low,
Crying dreadfully deep in the pit of your gut
For change
Must be a raging
You must be desperate to get this,
I’m not fully there yet,
And may never be,
But I know my destiny
Is telling me,
That there's a way out,
And I’ve screamed at the top of my lungs for this
Without being heard,
Cried oceans,
Hit rubber walls till it hurt,
Shaken fists
And climbed from the slippery pits
Of my own digging,
Cause I was dying,
And sometimes,
I’m tired,
And sometimes,
I’m scared,
And sometimes,
Everything is wrong,
Nothing feels good,
The light at the end of a clogged tunnel,
Is a "No Exit" sign,
There's no redemption for my efforts,
And skies are falling
And eyes are bawling,
And I get on my knees to pray but
I don’t know how
And I find myself crawling,
And sometimes,
It’s hard,
I had to reopen scars I swore I’d never touch,
That were buried under mountains of hardened ****
But the **** needed to pour,
Because revealing,
Is healing,
And I’m sick…

So sick of being crushed,
So sick of
Wandering deserts with a broken compass
I’ve done this
Far too long,
And I’m sick of the,
Sick of being told,
I cannot be
Sick of hurting everyone
Who showed me
A wink of affection,
Word of direction,
Or mirror reflection
Of myself…

I’m sick,
And I want change…
There's nothing more that can be said that now has been....
I Feel Happy
Excited, Joyful, Energetic
I Feel Sad
Hopeless, Worthless, Useless
I Feel Mad
Angry, Hate, Violent
I Feel Nothing
Emotionless, Empty, Numb
I Feel All These At Once
All Mixed Together
Within Some Minutes Or Hours
They Change Without Me Wanting Them Too.
I Have Depression, I Am BiPolar
Im Also A Recovering
**** Addict
I Dont Like Dealing With All Of This
Its So Confusing
Frustrates Me
Makes My Life Complicated
Affects My Daily Living.
I Often Ask
Is My Life Worth Living?
Why Do i Have to Go Through All Of This, Why Can't I Just Enjoy Life Normally
Why Me?
iWant To Be Set Free.
Away And Cured From This Addictive Disease.
iWant To Be Happy, iWant To Actually Smile
iWant To Be Able To Feel
iWanna Laugh And Enjoy Life
iDont Like Being Addicted
iDont Like Using And Tweaking No More
iWant To Quit
Sober Up Entirely
From My Health And Mind
iWant The Angel Back On My Shoulders.
iWanna Do Good
iWanna Succeed And Become Somebody
This Drug Always Seems To Get The Best Of Me
To Fall Easily
God Give Me Strength And Strong Wings
 May 2015 Robin Harris
Sequoia C

The wind in my hair, the breeze in the air
The wind in the trees, the buzz of the bees
There's nowhere to land and I can't see your hand
I'm starting to fall but can't hear your call
Look at your breath, frosted like crystal ****
I feel only cold, you shouldn't have been so bold
Soon it will end, my heart will not mend
Shattered into pieces, like my breath freezes
Standing on the ledge, you watch me fall off the edge
I guess you were right, the stars do look bright
You can't see my face, since I sprayed you with mace
I've almost reached the ground, I wonder when I'll be found


The blackbird still crows, and the wind still blows
I know it wasn't a game, I know that I'm to blame
The police said you fell, I know you must be in hell
My face no longer stings, just as you can no longer sing
I survived the fight, but you died that night
It was just us two, before I pushed you
You thought you were in love, the moon high above
That night was so cold, it smelled fresh as mold
I told you the stars were bright, we were such a sight
Your scream was loud, that's the reason you were found
Your corpse was splattered with blood, the dirt turned to mud
The *** was pure bliss, it's not you I miss


Two girls there were, the stars allure
Called upon them to gaze at the sight; oh! the stars were so bright!
But they soon had started to fight; oh! what a dreadful night!
I'll tell you their story now, as sweat gathers on my brow
They were standing upon the roof, and although we may have no proof
And there's nothing to trace, we know of the ****** that took place
The only evidence found is by the murderer's face; a lone bottle of just-opened mace
A rash and red-eyes; the murderer is telling lies
And of the poor girl's cries- in that night as cold as ice
There was one who heard, as she uttered a single word-
No! (This is how she was found, splattered upon the ground)
The poor girl was pushed! And as the wind whooshed
Through her hair, and she fell through the air
They were no longer a pair. Oh! true love is so rare
 May 2015 Robin Harris
This love is death.
It is nothing more than
A crisis of the mind.
It's worse than ****.

Maybe I'll begin to feel
But I'm not sure I can.
I want to possess you
So your heart won't seal.

I plead with you now.
Love no one else
But I'm alone and no more
Can I think this is real -- how?

I plead with my heart:
Don't leave. No longer should
You wait, yet I've realized
I need you- my essential part.

Stay -- I need you through the end
Of it all. When there is nothing left,
I wish to leave this demolishing war
With one thing intact to send.

With all the science of this world,
In all the waters of the earth,
You'd think there'd be someone for me.
The right man would be unfurled.

But no. Instead, this love is death.
It is not real, it merely kills.
I read about love, and wonder this:
*How much can you destroy
      with a mere breath?
Trying a new form of writing. I write a list of words that pop into my head, and then try to connect them all in poetic form. The words were these: love, death, nothing, more, crisis, ****, maybe, feel, not, possess, heart, plead, alone, think, how, with, leave, no, wait, yet, need, part, end, left, war, thing, science, waters, someone, right, instead, wonder, destroy.
I've seen you through my window.
You're not the same as yesterday.
You're not much like the past month.
You are cold.
You are blown.

You're not even that wet...yet.

But you are cold.
You are blown.
You invoke my strength.
I will get out of bed.
I will find forgotten clothes.
I will enter your abomination:
Cold, blown, you call me.
I will answer.
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