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im addicted to the feeling
of emptiness in my body.
first, panic,
then comes comfort
in knowing i will soon be
than every conversation
weve tried to hold in the past year
and now that i can think
with my head clear, no longer
suffocating under the weight
i carried of the love i thought
was shared, i realize that nothing
that came out of our sorrow bleeding
mouths ever held any meaning.
the meaning lied in the dark
like i did all those nights when i
couldnt close my eyes and turned off
all the lights to pretend i could.
i will weigh even less than
what i meant to you and
maybe after that,
your weak, bruised,
needle loving arms can be
wrapped around me
comfortable enough
for the both of us.
i hope she finds my teeth in your neck and my nails in your back.
Drug Addict

I drink beer, I drink liquor,
doing shots makes it quicker.
I smoke a bowl, I smoke a joint,
is there a problem, get to the point.
I take acid, I like trip,
I love the trail of a moving whip.
I like ****** sugar, I snort coke,
no wonder, I'm so **** broke.
I pop pills for stress, some for pain,
you'll never hear me complain.
I shoot ******, then I dose off,
my life is just a total loss.
I make and smoke ****,
hoping it takes my last breath.
Special K is my favorite tranquilizer,
I use it as a drug appetizer.
I smoke crack, don't ask why,
don't knock it, til you try.
Ecstasy makes me feel so good,
it always puts me in a special mood.
I sniff gas, I sniff glue,
then I ask, who are you.
Sometimes I smoke hash,
I live a life of white trash.
Morphine can't be beat,
my brain has suffered a defeat.
I even take ****** and steroids,
***** big, ***** small and I'm paranoid.
Been to counselling, been to rehab,
last time I went, I ended up with *****.
Now finally, I'm clean and sober,
been that way since mid October.
I admit drugs are more fun,
but in the end, God finally won.
 Jun 2015 Robin Harris
Autumn Rae
Smoke your ****.
Inhale it well.
Take a deep breath.
Wake up in a prison cell.

You’re doing nothing with your life
Except sitting alone in your strife
Your insecurities eat you alive
Take the razor in your skin, and swan dive

I could waste my time and plot revenge.
An ode to my broken heart, I would avenge.
But you already wallow in self pity
While you sit on your bed all nice and pretty.

When I first liked you, I saw you as ten feet tall.
Now, I don’t even think of you at all.
Your face screams danger, your body screams deprive.
Your soul screams anger, your body is begging you to die.
 Jun 2015 Robin Harris
Needles. Needles. ****. ****

There is no destiny
There is no fate
There is no truth
Or justice
Or love

There is no radiation
Or corruption
There is no right
Or wrong

Nothing to dance to
No song
No dream to cling to
No hope

There is no age to live for
No beauty to fight for
There is no love

There is no wonder
Or Lust
There is no war
No killing
No blood to spill
No God to fear
No list to finish
No melting sun

There is no marriage
There is no soul
There is no you
There is no warmth
There is no fight to win
There is nothing to lose

No French kisses
No French fries
No transfat
There are no lies.

There is nothing in this world that will please you
Nothing in your heart that will ease you.
Of all the deep wants you yearn to have
Nothing will fill your emptiness
So take all you want
And give all you can
And live to die
And die for (something you think is) love
For nothing is real
Nothing is fake
Everyone’s helpless
There is no need to hate.
lights flutter.
hearts ache.
her eyes water.
razor blades
and needles
fill her life.
sleep all day,
up all night.
her heart pounds
with the adrenalin
rush of her new
flowers in the
freezer and
drugs on the mirror,
she was once so
now they have
invaded her life
and have shown
her all new
adventures to
new worlds.
bad habits.
they'll be the
death of her.
time slowly
ticks on by;
the love of the
needle has
entered her veins.
it lay on the
desk beside her
until she can
feel no more.
death has come
near, her heart
begins to stop.
tears flow,
blood runs.
time stops.
she was interlocked
into the love
of the needle
and the monster
written: 12.18.07
The marks on my arms
the needle in my hand.
The ugly stabs
that was on the tip.
I must hide away
I must fade somewhere.
The rules i must exceed
to be perfect.
In the eyes of others
i’m coated with make up
the long sleeves i wear
i hide no cuts.
The poison i inject
in my body
it is not drugs
that wears out my body
that flows in my veins
as it crease into my body.
I didn’t pass out from the needles
it was what i had become
it was the need to be perfect
It was the need from the needles.
I must say…
i crave needles and perfection.
 Jun 2015 Robin Harris
it was dangerous
yet delicious
the way you inserted the syringe into my arm.
my fear dissolved as you looked me in the eyes and
as the drugs began flowing through me.
at that moment i became dauntless.
i had then stepped into your world
full of needles and pure release.
dont take drugs to make you calm by sticking needles in your arm
dont sit there waiting your a fix as the drugs begin to mix.
think of those you leave behind  when your the one thats been unkind.
dont   sit there in despair think of those that really care.
once you start  its a deadly track  say no to drugs and get life back.
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