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  Jun 2015 Rivers Kay
The truth is I'm scared,
But what is there to fear?
This is everything I've wanted.
So, then why am I in tears?
Rivers Kay Jun 2015
Why would you stick to the rivers and the lakes that you'r used to...

When you could be chasing waterfalls?
Rivers Kay Jun 2015
Confusion isn't fun...

but I sure as Hell still miss him
Rivers Kay Jun 2015
Maybe I'm not depressed
Maybe i had a bad day
Maybe i got hurt
Maybe i wasn't good enough for something
Maybe people shouldn't be so mean
Maybe i don't appreciate being lied to
Maybe i don't like lieing
Maybe people shouldn't judge others so deeply
Maybe i have a purpose
Maybe everything happens for a reason
Maybe i was meant to be hurt
Maybe i was meant to be played
Maybe i was meant to find him
Maybe i should have shut her out before
Maybe all these ******* problems don't mean ****
Maybe it's called life and,
Maybe people shouldn't watch my movie before reading my book
Maybe I'm just a person
Rivers Kay Jun 2015
One day I'll break
one day unexpected
but you won't ever think it's breaking me...
until i'm already shattered
Rivers Kay May 2015
I made a promise to keep him safe.

9 times worse just in case.

I kept my promise...
I know what it's  like to be lied to...
It hurts, and it's insane...

But i kept my promise.
and i will again and again
Rivers Kay May 2015
Maybe there was another choice and we just don't know what it is quite yet...
at this moment i don't know whats going to happen to him...
will he go through with it?...**** i hope not
is it my fault?.. yes, it is
He hurt me so i pushed him to his breaking point and i'm not even sure as to what i said... I  went straight to being straight savage on him before realized what i could be doing to him...
I am sorry sweety-pea i truly am.
Not only for if you go through with this, but for not being her...
For not being what you wanted me to be for you
I'm sorry i can't be  that perfect... but i'll try for so much perfection next time...
I promise!!!!!!!!
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