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Rishikah Dec 2016
I thought.....
You'd protect me when my wings tears apart,
You'd catch when I fall,
You'd shelter with your arms...
but the words you said broke me to my knees.

I wasn't enough was I?
My words, my promises, my actions.
They were just those trash that you flung it away.
Arms wide open, baby waiting for you to realize,
The words you said shattered my bones but the  love I have will never wane.
Yet you broke thy arms that could have protected you,
Leaving bruises on those wings that could have sheltered you.
Laid there motionless, hoping you would fix it but only...
you never came.
The little angle that could have embraced you with love gave its wings away to see you soaring through the sky with happiness as it laid there motionless...only for you to meet an another angel...
I wasn't enough.... and i didn't know why...
Rishikah Dec 2015
Clenching my hands into a ball of fist, gritting my teeth in determination and anger that was rising in me. Determination to slam your black eyes with my strength and hope. I will encrypt a code just for your thick skull to get it.

Tear me down,
I'll rise and swallow you up like the angry waves of sea rolling off.

Wanting to make me glow with fear,
I'll give you nightmares with my wicked plans because I am the devil itself.

Touch me,
I'll shred your limbs apart making you cry out loud in pain begging me for mercy.  
Honey, remember if you were to be storm emerging, I'll be a hurricane willing to take you to escort to the gates of hell.
Rishikah Nov 2015
They flashed before my eyes, replaying painfully over and over again making my heart burn as if like it was thrown in the lake of fire. Never stopping, never taking a break but endlessly taunting me. In a daze they played again making me go wild and insane.  

The sun peaked through the clouds spilling and flooding the whole sky with its light. Painting the sky with orange and violet. Under my feet, the world was placed staring back at me making my heart pound. Clutching the hand tighter with trembling lips, swallowing a lump in the throat of mine in fear of falling back again to that rotten place that was placed under my feet. Eyes glued to the place under my feet, as a soft hand brushed my cheeks making my neck snap towards it. Meeting with those familiar pitch black eyes, clashing away all those fear thoughts away.  
No more trembling lips,
No more heart that pounds hard. Caught in a trance of those pair of black eyes and a grin that fangs were peaking under it.  Holding me tight, his eyes burning a hole through me as he poured his poison not only in my ears but the heart too. Whispers were sent to my ears making me freeze. "I'll protect you,I am here, always have and always will" breaking those walls, I have built for years as he invited himself in me.

He looked into my soul, making my walls established itself, a slow smile made into lips as I glanced back at his eyes. Safe and comfort radiated off from this creature I stood with. In a snap of a finger, inching closer to me he brought his lips to my neck as he painfully bit into me. Thrashing in his arm hold, whimpers were sent out only to be useless, he began passing his venom to my heart as agony of screams and pleads let out from lips. With that, he sent a hard push and threw the body of mine back to the place that was placed under my feet. The place that I feared, the place where it was rotten and tattered. I seemed to be sinking and inching further away from him every passing second, my body engulfing the air around me, my feet dangling off.
  Tears slipped out, as he let me go without catching. Those smiles were nothing but fake, those hands that were meant to protect me, pushed me back to hell..... Opening my heart just to know it was slammed back shut by my protector. All the hopes that built in me came tumbling down. I was engulfed in the  darkness with the last cold smile he sent to me.

I was here again, in this never ending darkness that would linger here now and forever...... Hopes and dreams only seemed to shatter when I clanged onto you.

— The End —