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'Love is a drug'
it's a bit cliche at this point but its true
not in the sense of addiction or how harmful it can be
but in the sense of its effects
love changes people and it changes each one of us differently
for some, they become suave people with immense charms
for others, they become bumbling awkward masses that are plagued with a mentality and drive that makes them try too hard
it can slow you down
make you hyper aware
fill up every bit of you
from your toes to your hair
Love is a drug
it can make you do or think or say things you never thought you could
it's an oxymoron that turns you into everything you never were
it's every color and sound and feeling; it's everything at once
it's pure, it's evil, it hollows you out as it fills you up and gives the deepest sense of pleasure as it kills you and eats you from the inside out
Love is a beautiful thing, some might say life's greatest creation
maybe this is true, maybe it isn't but be careful
because its beauty makes so shockingly easy to overdose on when you're in it
sometimes love is a science and love songs are the equations
(michigan - brockhampton, bad religion - frank ocean, supermodel - sza)
Nuestro amor es infinito.
Tu voz,
se hace eco de la eternidad.
Los sonidos del mar
absorbe momentos.
Los barcos navegan con pereza,
las olas agitándose
me llenan de deseo.
Te veo,
como en mi sueño.
Quédate conmigo por siempre.
She is more
than what meets the eye,

She is a pending rainbow
that's hiding behind the clouds
in the sky.

She is a warm pocket
in a cold, deep ocean,

She is a virtual art form,
She is poetry in motion.

She is thunder and lightning
in a perfect blue horizon,

She is a delicate wildflower
growing in a plush green field,
one that is mesmerising.

She is an unexpected smile
on a lonely day,

She is instant relief
when things aren't going
your way.

She is a suprising hint of sweetness
when you are expecting
something sour,

She is a timeless friend,
She is an immortal flower.

She is more
than what meets the eye,

She is a breath of fresh mountain air, causing one to exhale a relieving sigh.

She is full of substance,
empathy, wisdom and kindness,

She contains infinite layers
of universes beneath her skin,
all of which are unrecognisable
to the naked eyes that suffer from "metaphorical" blindness.

By Lady R.F. (C)2017
Dedicated to my daughter, Amanda. F ***
Take me, my naked self, and place me on your throne of knives.
Hold me, my broken self, and pierce me with your fangs.
Love me, my whole self, and I will be yours completely.

Wholly and honestly.
Truly and painfully.
To rip apart and to put together.
To learn and discover.

*For as long as breath passes through my lungs.
Once our lips meet my love
I will enter a sparkling web of stars
A nebula of diffused and swirling light
Once a dark silhouette cast upon my life
The distance traveled is upon me now
The entire lifetime of our existence reminds
We are so small in his eyes, far and near
And as you keep kissing me, as I dreamed
Each one becomes supernova
More beautiful and violent than the last
Swallowing the one from before
Growing ever larger with gravitational lust
Until galaxies swirling far away find their place
Inside my once void and formless existence
But they will never be large enough
To be even pearls in God’s eyes
For that is why we close ours
To find the light in our own line of sight
The one that is now pressing upon our bodies
Bursting into pieces like the stars that drew us near
The ones that burst long before Christ died
And as my heart is risen inside of me
I can only feel the longing in your arms
As you pull me close to the world of mystery
That draws me to my balcony every night
To renew the vow I made to myself long ago
I will endure God’s wish that I witness the dark silence
Until it becomes the pillars of your breath in my ear
Soothing my longing as what is upon me now
Are the arms of light and memories of the past
But a past of creation and not destruction my love
For you were always the beginning and never the end
To love and be loved, with no limits. no questions or hesitations, no double standards.... to just feel the warm feeling inside when all things good happen. To wear a smile and not have to question if it's real. Life is too short to waste it with tears, sadness, unanswered questions. Are we living to die or dying to live? Nowadays we gotta live like we're dying because tomorrow is never promised and this just might be our last day here.... To feel the sun on our faces, wind in our hair, soft lips of our other half, laughter piercing our stomachs.... what is all that? If you have to think about what happiness is and wish you had it, then are you really happy at all... to think about all the good that can be instead of living it, are you really living? We all live in the same world but different lives, different stories, different paths.... but we all have one destiny, some just chose it sooner than it's time. To end you're story it takes a lot, but one can only hold in so much pain, so much tears, sitting in the dark hoping someone hears their cries and saves them from the monsters in their heads.... monsters usually win, I know mines almost did. To love and be loved is a wild thing, something rare.. not all stories have happy endings or those amazing love story endings, they usually end in sadness or some kind of turn around miracle..... at least that's how mines seems to be going, I found a miracle in a guy he showed me there's more to life than ending my story.. he showered me with love and gratitude and to this day he still does, he put the pen back in my hand and inspired me to continue my story, with him being apart of it..... I have days where I want to put the pen down and give in to temptation to end my story where it is, but life is too precious, he is too precious, MY LIFE is too precious.... I must go on... I chose to continue my story to the rhythm of my heart, and when that beat stops so will my story...
Love Needs Nurture.

Even a flower
Needs a drop
Of sentiment.
Without care
It shall
Eventually wilt.

The smallest flame
Is nothing
Without a breeze.
Gone is the flicker.
End of a life,
In one foul blow.

Pop my bubble,
Steal my air.
When I am gone
I shall not care.

Love needs nurture.

First; Can we be friends?
Second; Yes, of course.
As soon as my love is dead,
I will give you a call.
We can do coffee,
One day.

Talk vehemently.
About anything.
Probably, even smile,
As we lie to each other
About not feeling
Anything at all.

It takes time
To **** the truth.
There are no skipping stones,
Or shortcuts
From the pain.

Give love time, please,
To truly wither
And die.
Become nothing
Dry, bitter
A mutual shame.

Then the putrid ash
Of a love denied,
Falls wasted
Crushed, too sodden
To ever fly.

Some time later
We say hello.
I shed a tear
And force a smile-
The only way
Was to say goodbye.

(Gerry Aldridge ©2017)
I feel like an angel
Pressed down by your chest

I've been wishing for this,
So many nights on my knees
******* my sheets
And grasping my heart

I feel blessed,
The warmth of your body on mine
Soothing the cold I've been feeling

I have found heaven in your love,
I no longer hope to die,
I only hope to kiss you

Please crush me underneath your
God like gaze
I want to melt into you
And live forever

I feel like an angel,
Pressed down by your chest

Im out of breath
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