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 Dec 2014 NYC
Your eyes
 Dec 2014 NYC
Your eyes they flutter
Like butterfly wings
When closed they blend
To the same tan as their background
When opened
They shine a brilliant blue
And throw me off
 Dec 2014 NYC
Luna Lynn
no reassurance
of what truly lies ahead
kills me every day
(C) Maxwell 2015
 Dec 2014 NYC
Girl On The Wing
I'm sorry. I'm so incredibly sorry that I'm at a loss for words. I do know this. Bodies come and go. Physical living heart beats come and go. Voices and hands to type come and go. The beauty of life is that the soul transcends the physical. Bodies are vehicles for the soul. Sometimes people lose their driving license. Maybe that just means they need to carpool. Love is proven true when you feel the burn of its absence. Please remember that just because there is no voice to hear, or body to hold, or ears to listen; does not mean a person has left. Souls are silent, but they will not leave those who love them.
Anyone who needs to talk or share, can come to me. I can't promise instant response, but I will respond eventually.
 Dec 2014 NYC
 Dec 2014 NYC
Maybe these aren't hormones
But my true feelings coming out
And proving me wrong
For the second time in my life
 Dec 2014 NYC
 Dec 2014 NYC
Paper is my canvas
A Paintbrush is my pen
I search for the right colors
To paint a beautiful scene
Paint thrown by the can
A rough texture surface
Spanning miles where the eye can't see
It’s a mural of my life
This hodgepodge I’ve created
Is me
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