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Renza May 2014
Heart beats faster.
Grins go wider.
As wide as saucers,
Fly in my tummy.

That smile,
The glint in your eyes,
It drives me wild.

I open my mouth,
But no words come out.
I lift my eyes to meet yours,
Only to look down again.
Face burning with embarrassment and awkward shame.

"Hey"; was all it took.
All it took to turn the butterflies into dragons,with large, leathery wings,
That fan and beat against my pulsing heart, my trembling self.

One smile lit up this dark ghost town; that is my life.

One smile lifted me up from the dark abyss that is my life,
Planted flowers, and paved roads;

All in the name of unrequited love.
  May 2014 Renza
Ellie Geneve

A friend I can always count on
Doesn't ask for commitment,
Yet I'm committed

Oh my delightful treat!
My hunger you delete
to you no one can compare
people come and go but you're always there

because of you my pain is eased
all my craving's deceased

Forget those foolish humans
Together we rule!

And yes! because of you,
Weight I will gain
But never will I hide with disdain.


The only thing you bring more than joy,
Is all the sadness you destroy.
Renza May 2014
That Girl.
Grief, pain, anger,
Looms over her distraught self.

Angst, Pain.
Emotions not unknown to her;
yet She wishes they were strangers.

Define Happiness; you say.
"There is anger, hatred, and revenge in this world what space would then be left for happiness?"
She questions, in the
Deep, Dark abyss that is her Mind.
However, She would answer
"Happiness is the quality and state of being happy"
She is;
That Girl.

— The End —