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 Jun 2015 Ray
Sad Girl
 Jun 2015 Ray
In the most inconspicuous places
Sadness is found
Under her nails
In the lines of her palms
It hides her face
Like a wedding veil
No matter the occasion
Hurt prevails
Sadness flows
Slowly through her veins
She's saturated
In continuous pain
She's accepted it
It won't go away
It's a part of her
It's there to stay
 Jun 2015 Ray
Jaimee Michelle
If I were to lay down here
So quietly that the silence became deafening
That the cold became freezing
The hunger became starving
The air became thin...

Would you just let me lay here until the end?
 Jun 2015 Ray
rose tattoo
I remember the taste of your lips,
I remember the touch of your hands.

You loved me,
I loved you.

I remember the taste of my blood,
I remember the touch on my scars.

*You loved me,
I hated you.
 Jun 2015 Ray
That she look so "eye-calming"
With her hand holding the phone
Those fingers
How beautiful and graceful they are
She seems lost in her own thoughts
Her eyes was looking
Outside the window
Enjoying the mid-morning lights
With good music blasting
In the car
That makes you drown
Into some deep thinking ****

Just by lookin at her
I can feel the calm
Feels like to keep her safe
Safe in my arms

If only I could grab your body
Pull you closer to me
Have your head on my shoulder
And whishper to your ear
Tell you how much
I need you.

 Jun 2015 Ray
My name is a lie
 Jun 2015 Ray
My name is a lie
ink spills the same as blood
dark and thick
full of pain
releasing hidden desires
the spilling of each is
an art form of necessity
I was once told that being yourself,
Was all about you and no-one else,
That you should be the person you want to be,
Not anything else, at all, but "me".

I was once told that loving another,
Was all about you and your true lover,
That love is blind and sees only the heart,
And keeps you together when you're apart.

I was once told that how I dress,
Was all about what I think looks best,
That as long as I'm comfortable no-one will mind,
Just make sure you leave a good impression behind.

What I was told is crushed everyday,
By "friends" I trusted and the words that they say,
By ignorance and expectations I'm forced into,
Being someone else who can't speak the truth,
And when I finally admitted to the lie I've been living,
I guess I was hoping for something more forgiving,
Than assumptions and refusals to call me by name:
I just want you all to treat me the same.
Only one thing changed:
My honesty.
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