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 Jul 2014 Rachel
You are beautiful not because of the way you look or the way you dress.
You are not beautiful because of that extra bit you did to your hair today. You are not beautiful because of the outfit you chose today.
You are beautiful because your smile radiates the internal positivity you are composed of.
You have built such a great energy that no matter how you look, you are beautiful.
Your thoughts and the words you form into conversation make everyone you speak to want to reach inside their own head and find their happiness and their worth for living.
 Jun 2014 Rachel
The most fragile thing is not
Your mother’s favorite china
Or your family's crystal glasses
Or a teenage girl’s heart
Or even your most prized possession.
But what the most fragile thing is,
Is your own life.
In loving memory of Mandi, Paige, John, Garrett, and Mrs Mallory.
 Jun 2014 Rachel
 Jun 2014 Rachel
your words,
they have the power
to rattle around in my head.
but your silence,
that has far more power.
the power to rip apart my ribcage.
extract energy from my body.
force waterfalls from my eyes.
and spill worries from my mind.
i'd prefer your harsh words
over your unspoken words.
totally lame late night ((11pm)) thoughts

— The End —