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 Jan 2017 Prescott Robbins
I look back, was it all worth it?
Saying good bye at the airport pretending like it wasn't going to be our last.

I'm walking to my car holding back my tears, almost lost it.
You got on that plane, didn't look back.

On my way back to Clear Lake I pull off to the side of the road, almost lost it.
You land in Brisbane, didn't look back.

I walk into our apartment look into your room, almost lost it.
You're home now, didn't look back.

I sent you something in the mail, must of lost it.
You're seeing someone now, did you look back?

It's New Year's Eve
I'm here
You're there
I'm alone
You're far from it
I lost it
And now I can't look back
When life screws you this hard
are you supposed to
     Or sigh?
Or just shut up and enjoy
     the ride?
Christmas came early
when, this morning,
I stumbled on a stripe
that had fallen off a
candy cane.
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