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He told me there is a difference
Between perception and perspective
One can help you understand
One can make you be difficult to understand
There is a reasonable difference
How to conquer mind?
She often wonders when love will arrive, when her heart will truly come alive. She dreams of a gentle day where she becomes the keeper of someone's heart.

She imagines being the star in someone's sky, the reason behind their every smile. She looks forward to a bright, kind day when she becomes the sparkle in someone's eye.

For now, she walks alone, dreaming of a love she's never known. In the quiet moments, hope whispers that one day, love will guide her way.

Believing in Qadr comforts her. It reminds her that her journey has a purpose. Until then, she trusts her love is written in the stars.
Life is like a feather,
Tossed around in ferocious weather.
Find that Rock and cling to it ever–
You'll be safe, O little fleeting feather.
When the sun is down
The moon comes around to try & hug her
Night & day are lovers
Forever chasing each other
An endless endeavour like no other
They are meant for one another
Hiding their feelings behind the Earth's cover
During dusk & dawn, they blend their colours
It's their love they utter
The moon adores the sun more during summer
In awe of her in her element
Surrounded by stars, he stays celibate
Astounded by her being above par
Far above, yet still with benevolence
No one comes close, they're irrelevant
Shines so bright, she must be heaven sent
As he stands there
on the edge of surrender
you let the fire spread
let it consume the air between you
until there is nothing but heat
letting him smolder
letting him yearn
until he's nothing
but ash and embers at your feet

until there is nothing
but a man on fire
and a woman who knows exactly
how to make him burn
Once again,
I dance alone
In those lost
Gardens you
And me used
To take care of,
Now it’s
Hidden behind
A vine wall
That hides the
and purity
And sweet
At night
the flowers
Light up,
the stars
Walk among
me to show
Me the way,
I’ve been
So long
Rose bushes,
The thorns have
Into my skin
Up to my hips,
I hope the
Day comes
They become
Roots, my arms
Branches of a
Shrub I won’t
Be able to name
While I wait
For rain,
For now I’ll
Just walk,
And walk
And walk
And walk,
While my blood
Feed the ones
That have lost
Their battle
Against time.
There is electricity in the air,
I feel it on the back of my neck.
The morning sun from the east
is fading, ominous blue black
clouds are massing to the west,
announced by the sounds of the
distant percussions like kettle
drums, beating and rolling.

It's getting closer now, the thudding
of drumbeats have become the earth
shaking booms of bursting cannon
roars, streaks and flashes of lightning
flare and detonate, their reverberations
felt for miles around, our chickens
flee into their coops, cows disclaim
their pasture for the shelter of the
barn, the yard cats run full tilt back
to their sheltered beds on the porch.
The birds have gone to ground,
vanishing to hide away in the trees.

Visibility east into the valley is fast
disappearing socked in by clouds
and mist, becoming rain pouring.
The exploding thunder shakes the
windows and rattles the doors.

When the thunder momentarily
subsides, an ominous still quite
pervades the land, as all of we
helpless creatures remain holding
our collective breaths. Suddenly a
steady hard rain loudly pelts the
roof and pings the skylights of my
living room.

Mother Nature now rules the day,
and we all remain at her benevolent
Weather Forecasts predict over
and inch of rain and Severe Weather
Warnings. With flooding and such.
We need the rain and now it has come,
but would not a mere half inch suffice?
Humans are born into this world encumbered
with ignorance and spend a lifetime endeavoring
to overcome its grip. Sadly, most of us never do.
Word of the day "Encumbered"
Inspired by a true Femme Fatale
friend on the East Coast.
The complexities of the mind
Can be overwhelming
Sometimes unkind

Don't go running scared
Be brave
You're soul
Laid bare
The good will arise
I swear

When he's about
Let the madman shout
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