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Anna King
You are welcome to visit and follow my visual poetry as well:
The Little Dreamcatcher
Manila, Philippines    Past Present Future Immortalize words Freeze moments Into memories Because It's the closest thing We have to a time machine.
Monica Rose
I have lived a short 23 years and my life is far from boring. Most of these poems I write during my classes, when my …
Jazleigh Walker
I love to write. I've been writing for years but I still consider myself an ametuer. I just want my writing to touch someone in …
Georgiana S
Audrey Bautz
America    Artist, poet, student, lover! My cover photo is one of my pieces, I currently sell my artwork! If interested, contact me!
Scott Mitchell
Michigan    I love writing poetry as a means to share my soul with the world. I don't dare claim to be a good writer. I'm only …
Sara L Russell
Poet, Artist, Goth, Time-traveller. Founded Poetry Life & Times and edited it for 8 years. Have had poems featured on various websites including Artvilla, Authorsden …
Johnny Agape
California    Very much a non-writer, I am moved to write things down by the beauty in nature that resembles to the nature of interactions between people.
vircapio gale
!i!i!i! i like to type until the dawn is just about to give itself to day, and stand breathing in that new freshness of the …
Joan Karcher
Poetry to me represents the beauty of emotion, the wisdom of experience, the pain of loss, the sweetness of love and the mystery of life …
New York, New York    Doctoral candidate at Columbia University
C a l i f o r n i a    I'm Jeanette, I spend a ridiculous amount of time reading, writing, photographing, eating, laughing at dogs wearing sunglasses, complaining about hot weather, and avoiding people …
Raj Arumugam
Australia    ..been thinking in the language of poetry and scribbling verse from as early as I can recall of my days...FLASHBACK: born naked in India in …
Seattle    And all the five senses, united to dance..
Bruised Orange
United States    "This poetry. I never know what I'm going to say. I don't plan it. When I'm outside the saying of it, I get very quiet …
K Mae
Maine, USA    My muse will fly again, is beginning to dance, and I will return as writer/reader/responder. I still love the generous HP community. Giving and receiving …
Kelley Kathleen
Aditya Bhaskara
India    Come along, let's make a song, croon, chat or just dive into some serious silence. Forget the rest. Connect to me on twitter @aditya_alterego | …
Tamaswati Ghosh
India    I love the arts in general. Poetry is a new form of expression for me.
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