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Nicole Pierson
Washington    I like attention. Negative writing is how i get it. ------------------- I write what I feel, I feel what I write Broken puzzle pieces is …
Connecticut    Imagination; where stories are born and bred.
Shari Forman
New York   
22/M/....    A home for all my adventures,experiences and memories
Anderson M
John Ashton Upston
Best Poet Ever. One thing that annoys me. People liking my poems, without any comment. I take all poetry requests from females. And any interesting …
Poppi Mae
London    "dissatisfied and angsty, but not damaged"
Hana Gabrielle
I mostly write when I'm alone and healing.
Jake Backlund
Minnesota    I was happy to find this site. It will hopefully serve as an outlet for my feelings and opinions. Please read and comment. I'll reciprocate.
u.s.a    ❁ taurus, majoring in creative writing and media arts, united states❁ "If a writer falls in love with you, you can never die."
IL    I'd rather own little and see the world, than own the world and see little of it. I'm a photographer, food lover, baker, traveler, writer, …
I write to heal, inspire, learn and share. Faith Over Fear. ✝
Ria Nagpal
Singapore    Ria Fresh, charming, composed, pragmatic Sibling of none Lover of chocolates Who fears parasites Who needs a candy a day Who gives love and friendship …
Sarah Antilope
Leelan Farhan
Toronto    I usually go by Leelo, I'm in my fourth year at the University of Toronto, studying psychology and English. I’m 21. The only way I …
lina S
Let me enlighten you Indulge your senses Guide you through my map Put down the fences Soak you up with loads of me Then spin …
Nick Durbin
Ohio    I have missed the joys of writing in recent years, but am glad to have found this avenue and community to indulge in my love …
bobby burns
23/DC    writing is mostly survival
Ayaba Babe
Fort Lauderdale    Angel | Àse | Flower Child. Vermont. Boston. South Florida. PHENOMENAL... just like Miss Angelou, HONEY consistency... just like Oshun.
Shashank Virkud
Tallahassee, FL    dinosauraus-rex is best animal.
Cat A
Living in a collapsed hope Darkness tends to get jealous
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