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 May 2023 Polar
I look at her
and see
the beginnings of
and is that not something
worth celebrating?
I refuse to berate younger me, to hate her is to continue to hate myself and I have let that go.
 May 2023 Polar
Sk Abdul Aziz
At times take some risks in life...regardless of whether you are successful or not, you will learn..if you win you will experience happiness and if you lose you will be more wise.
 May 2023 Polar
 May 2023 Polar
opening their petals
raising stamens to the sky
allowing leaves to dance
and pollen to fly
carried by wind,
floating past trees
to one day be cradled
by a neighboring blossom
or the cold soil beneath
When the buds come to bloom
I can't help but think of you
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