I'm staring to think there's a pattern For the manner in which my eyes change color How in the sunshine they are a vibrant starburst of green And in the moonlight They become overcast like the night skies
When they are green Know that I am feeling one of two things One being passionate and eager Excited about a new day A new beginning
Two Know that I am hurt For instance when you broke up with me I counted and my eyes were green for eight consecutive days
Or like that time when I scratched my eye on accident And tears streamed from my face My eyes were green like the ivy that grows outside my house in the Spring The moss that grows on the rocks in the creek Shading them a dark mixture of dark green and gray You would slip if you tried to climb on them You could break a bone Or your heart
But then again my eyes are always green when I cry And they are only getting greener More and more vibrant each day
And not ever notices it But you did And that's why I think it might be so hard to forget you