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Dec 2014
The internet shows the true decline of decent human beings.

Trolls roam free and unhindered hurting and hateful.

Intelligence is dragged down by ignorance and stupidity.

People band together and hate other people because they can.

Sure the internet exposes those odd glimmers of human hope and kindness.

Flashes in the pan of an otherwise hateful human race.

It's so easy to hurt others from behind a screen.

Cowards venting unknown issues that should be dealt with on a therapists couch.

Mentally unstable people gathering crowds to suckle from their teats of endless ignorance.

Stupidity is common and boundless and encouraged in todays world.

Christ forbid you should have a problem with society.

You will drown in sorrow and frustration surrounded by people who blindly accept and follow.

No minds of their own, just sheep to a slaughter, no voice, no vision no drive to do better.

It's a bane to have a brain in the modern world, where to think for yourself is a crime.

To question the status quo doesn't make you a revolutionary but dissatisfied and selfish.

I do not like what this place has become societies poison is turning humans into monsters.

Monsters who feed on ego and putting others down all in our boxes all labelled all judged.

Darkest wants and fantasies satisfied with the flick of a wrist and the click of a button.

But perhaps we were monsters all along and it just took the right trick for us to embrace it.
E Lynch
Written by
E Lynch  Ireland
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