You ask me how I can love you You who is broken, and limping, and lame I stop you before the tear can fall Taking them from your eyes And crying them out my own I tell you the truth of absolute love I tell you I wear no blinders I see you as you are I see your imperfections but we are all flawed Those minute cracks in your soul Trickle out pain in swirling hues of tender that highlight your heart A heart you profess is black and stone But it beats strong within my chest Where I will nuture it and feed it with my own I see all the nicks and bruises and breaks They are not reasons to walk away They are the very thing that makes you worthy Your damage healed in stregnth You are not broken You are beautiful in all things A tender heart that bleeds for others That hates you for not being better...for me Don't you know? Can't you see? There is no better, you are as good as it gets It is I who is unworthy And in all your fear of being alone, you overlook the truth of who you are of who I am when I am with you You see beauty in every corner of derelict You fill my cracks with your joy To the point where you feel you run out, not even knowing you gave it away You see in me what I am unable to see in myself And because it is you who sees it I believe you I see your cracks and spackle them with love I see the scars and am thankful you survived the journey And tomorrow, or next week, next month, or next year When you have grown strong in my love When the time comes that you realize I am naught but pieces duct taped together I will still love you When you see the truth of what I have always known I will still love you When you move on to brighter days and greener pastures I will still love you When you see that you are worthy of more than I am able to give you I will still love you, as I do now For I never learned how to unlove someone And you have always been worthy