I seek, But I cannot find. I listen, But I cannot hear. I love you, But I cannot love you. ~~ You let me drown in the seas, You left me to burn in the fire, You left me helplessly in the middle of a war, You let me fall for you, You let me to die in this world, Without caring my heart was broken. ~~ I'll send a kiss to you, Soaring in the air hoping it reaches you, Just like I send a paper airplane. But there's a catch to it. I can't send an airplane without making it. So I can't send a kiss without meaning it. ~~ One. Two. Three. Not one. Not two. But three times did you break my heart when a gave you a heartbreaking chance. ~~
I don't know. I wouldn't really write this. But I've seen many people with broken hearts. I guess I'll dedicate these to them.