What would I do to be back? To live my life, to feel in tact.
To cross the waters and see your face. To feel my heart beat with your hearts beat's pace.
To fall deep into love, to float adrift in the ocean of peace. Let the waves crash over my head salty water stinging my lungs.
To let the dying sun dip into a burning fiery ring. To feel so free in the shimmering sea. To dance like the waves and glisten like the sun.
Oh to be with you.
Oh to be near your marvelous light. Oh to carry your burdens, and dismiss your plight. To calm you as I have been calmed to hold you as I also have been held.
To walk through the swallow trees glide my fingers on the lovely things, where dreams meet me half way, between parallel worlds. And where stars dance and moons leap.
Where life slowly passes by calmly floats away into the sky. What would I do to be back. To feel the warmth one last time, to see the light from the little blue house Shining like the sun, beckoning me home.