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Nov 2014
You are abstract.
Rare in our world of black and white.
So full of color that you burst.
Beautiful on canvas and in theory.

Stunning is you when you shine.
Breathless is me here before you.
I want so badly to fill in the cracks.

Contrasting elements leave us lingering in this place that we now can frame.

I could look at you for hours not wanting to blink.
Gazing into the powerful man,
Seeing beyond what others may see.

I'm captivated and perhaps a bit shaken. Left in such awe.

I say this with absolute certainty,
needing to catch your tears in my hands.
You are a masterpiece.
You are a work of art.
Awesome Annie
Written by
Awesome Annie  32/F/Batesville Indiana
(32/F/Batesville Indiana)   
   ---, Gary, wordvango and RMatheson
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