You know what? Dear alarm clock? With your pretty pink dock. You stalk. Break my eardrums. Let. Me. Sleep. You are weird, Like no other. And I begin to ponder Wonder. How do you know at what time I wake up? Or I turn on the radio? How do you know if I set an alarm for the next morning? Why are you so loud and mourning. I don't know about you, But. Let. Me. Sleep. Don't be creepy. Let. Me. Sleep. Don't be loud. Let. Me. Sleep. Don't know the time. Let. Me. Sleep. PLEASE. LET. ME. SLEEP!
Just in case you didn't notice, Dear alarm clock, Don't mock. I have an appointment with my bed and pillow. So. Shush.
And. Let. Me. Sleep.
I just felt really inspired by my morning and how I don't like it when my alarm clock buzzes because I love sleeping and can sleep for years nonstop. Or go live with bears and hybernate right next to them. Idk....