Conditional beyond reasonable Is how our relationship sometimes feels... More often than I'd care to admit.
My love is unconditional And, therefore, can be easily used (abused?) The value forgotten or blinded whenever I act human, imperfect, fragile or broken... Inconvenient I am. So are we all. Where does your anger come from?
Taken for granted Until you find something YOU miss. Over and over again, this cycle persists...
Only according to your terms Only if convenient Only if it serves your sole purpose Only if maintenance-free Only if easy... Perfect... Not too much trouble...
UNTIL there is something you need... From me. Yes, boundaries are a necessity.
But relationships based on Convenience for oneself Are not relationships, at all.. They are one-way streets Serving one person's agenda
Controlling, manipulative, self-serving, emotional toil... And, somehow, always justifiable (in your eyes) Because I am not who you want me to be...
I don't fit your "ideal" mold. And you feel that is what you are owed? (I honestly don't know...) Except when you feel alone, afraid, or empty. You don't dare lose what you can use! (abuse?)
But dare I say or do something amiss... Your "conditions" will persist. How do I say "stop!" when my role is to love, protect, and forgive?
Pain. What to do with all the pain. If I tell, I will be blamed for my pain causing your pain... This, my love, is NOT love. No relationship of substance exists When such rules and expectations persist.