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Oct 2014
The room was silent
And the room was dark
The papers were half filled
Each of us had gotten a mark

Sat separated like a ****** convict
Restrained from looking left and right
Our visions went on as the pages went by
To fill all the blacks in the hollow white pond

Some minds raced and some were scooped out
Some minds cracked and some started to decay
If the amount of thought could be shown by blood
I'm sure only some of us would die because of the loss

I saw your eyes rolled beneath her table
I saw another rolled and peeked from above
Poor things couldn't put their minds at the right place
And finally grazed for victims to contend their dry thoughts

It might not seem like it but to me, dearest, you are criminal
Fear pursued you to reflect on a wrong mirror to cope with evil
But Fear has always been my ally and always serves me a good deal
Then why, I ask you, why did it dance you to the pit of blatant fools?

Let's just watch our show merrily and I shall talk no more
When we started from nothing and ended as nothing
Since in the ****** I was both Holmes and Moriarty
You copied the way I think and the way I ****

I was the one who thought and the one who worked
I became compared with a mere doll of your kinds
Supposed to embark heartily and gain my throne
Yet you sat upon my couch like an impostor queen

In the end nothing really matters
For I have seen your flower and I have seen it withered
I should water mine so it would grow a steady tree
And I will doubt and laugh if yours ever break free

From the tangled lies you've made upon the papers
All these rotten times.
Written by
Noandy  Surabaya
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