Family: a group of individuals living under one roof and usually under one head.
I need to know the meaning of the word family. The true meaning. For years it has eluded me. But not today.
The family, your family, my family, our families.
What the world perceives and what I perceive as family, Are the same in words but not in thought. My wish is for everything to be as one. No separation of any kind.
When you hear the word family, what comes to mind? Love and affection? Support and acceptance? Haha, I'll tell you about my family.
I've learned that it's immoral to be who you are, To question how you grew up. It's wrong to have an opinion.. In my family.
It's wrong to stand for justice, To turn away from hypocrisy. To live your life as you intended it to be. In my family.
You do your best to please, But then you end up on your knees. Begging to be accepted.. But forever being rejected.
Does this define family for you? Yes? No? Most definitely not for me. But here's my definition too.
Family: the people who love & accept you for all that you are.
I hear the word family and I think of the people who support me in everything that I do.. They pick me up, not kick me, when I fall. They understand, they're always there when I call. They believe when no one else does.
A saying goes, 'You don't choose your family. They are God's gift to you, as you are to them.' This means nothing to me. Blood makes you related, but loyalty makes you family.
So in the eyes of my blood, I failed to do right and chose to do wrong. I chose love & unity Over pain & anxiety.
The cycle ended. My wounds are mended.
I am happy. Because I now know, The true meaning of Family.